Looking Ahead and Rejoicing in 2017

Guest written by Jeanette and Lori Lewis (Steve and Tonyia’s niece/great niece).

The year is ending, but God’s love endures.  Today Stephen, Tonyia, Lori and I (Jeanette Lewis) attended the church service at Iglesia Getsemani.  Pastor Rey gave a spirit-filled sermon and the music brought tears to my eyes. We also had communion with the congregation.

After services, many members of the church went up the mountain to pray blessings on the site where a new church building (Iglesia Getsemani) will be built.  Some work has already been done on the site.  The area has been cleared of brush and they are beginning the holes for the support columns.

Next, we traveled about 10 miles outside of Galeana to the tiny town of San Francisco.  Here, we attended church services with “Pastora Berenice.”  I cannot say enough praise about her.  She is a young woman with a true spiritual gift of working with children.

After services were over, Lori, Tonyia, and I handed out gifts of toys, candy, Christian tracts and personal care items.  The children loved them!

Tomorrow we make the three hour drive to give gifts in extremely remote Refugio. Until next time, Feliz Año Nuevo and Dios de Bendiga/Happy New Year and God Bless You.

We celebrated communion today at a beautiful service at Iglesia Getsemani.

The Iglesia Getsemani ladies sang at service today.

Stephen, Lori and Jeanette shared greetings with the Iglesia Getsemani.

Pastor Rey’s daughter, Aralya, sang a beautiful solo today.

We also prayed with the congregation of Iglesia Getsemani at the new church location.

A good group was onhand to pray at the new site.

We enjoyed services at the tiny church in San Francisco this evening.

Pastora Berenice is a good preacher and is especially gift at working with children.

The children were all happy with their Christmas gifts.

Tonyia and Jeanette gave out the gifts.

Lori, Pastora Berenice and Jeanette paused in front of the small church in San Francisco.

We stopped by to see the clear waters at the La Laguna lake just out of Galeana.