Congregation Walked One Hour to Worship

We brought many things to give the people.

Sandra, with Nuevo Corazon,  was serving in Texas and was not able to come but sent a lot of food for the people.

The True Path Ministry team pulled into Pastor Seldonio’s mountain home ready to minister to the spiritual and physical needs of the people on Saturday, October 29th. The Suburban was loaded with food, clothing and people. Pastor Seldonio greeted us and told us one of his congregations was waiting, but we needed to walk over an hour on a rough trail. “We have too much stuff and crippled people,” said Martin. “Is there another way?” Seldonio said yes, they can all come here. So about fourty members, of one of the five ranches this pastor serves, walked over an hour to come worship with us!

There is no cell service in that area of the mountains. Pastor Seldonio used his walkie-talkie to contact someone closer to the village and that person, likely on a donkey, went to give the message for all the people. They were told to start walking down the mountain, where vehicles would be waiting to take them to the pastor’s home.

The congregation walked an hour in small groups to come whorship with us.

The congregation walked an hour in small groups to come whorship with us. (click on photo to see it bigger)

Steve, in our Ford Edge, Martin in the Suburban and the Pastor’s son in a Ford pickup drove to the end of the road. This is where the people would come down the mountain trail and we would then carry them the last few miles to the pastor’s home.

“I stood near  the trail and saw them walking down the edge of the mountain in small groups,” said Stephen. “It was amazing to watch the  donkeys, older people and tiny children make their way to our vehicles. I could tell it was a difficult walk.”

Once we got to the Pastor’s house, we greeted each other and we gathered to begin the worship service. Under the Pastor’s brush-covered leanto, he and his son had set boards across cement blocks for seating. He also brought some homemade wooden chairs out of his house.

Worship was lively. Several folks gave testamonies. Pastor Reynaldo and his family sang a gospel song. They had come with us from Galeana along with Evanglist Ramiro, Martin, Genesis and Ana. Everyone had a part during worship. Tonyia and I got up to talk, with Martin interpreting, Steve told why we moved to Mexico. The Holy Spirit had Tonyia tell the people that God loves them so much and that they are each made in His image. She went on to tell them what Jesus said in John 10:27-30. That if they have accepted Jesus in their hearts, they are His sheep and that no one can snatch them from His hands.

Ramiro gave a stirring message and the people were moved. During prayer time he prayed for healing with several people. One woman who had trouble getting around trotted out and back after she received prayer.

Worship was lively.

Worship was lively.

The Holy Spirit showed Tonyia a young woman, standing in the audience, who needed to accept Jesus. In John 10:27 Jesus says, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” Martin called the young lady forward and asked her if she was a Christian. Sorada, 21 years old, said she had been attending Church for some time but had not given herself to Jesus. Tonyia asked, “do you want to be obedient and pray now to become a follower?” YES! she replied. We prayed with her and the Lord moved in her heart. We then gave her a Bible. Martin wrote on the front page a scripture verse from John and we put a bookmark for her to begin reading there.

After the service we fed everyone a sandwich and Tonyia gave the kids a sack with candy and a toy. We layed out a tarp and spread the many bags of clothes and handbags we had brought. The people eagerly sorted through the clothes and got what they needed for their families. What a joy to witness!!

The mountain village people were thrilled to get clothing for their families.

The people were thrilled to get clothing for their families.

We also gave out bread, powdered milk and fresh peppers. The items were sent with us by Sandra of Nuevo Corazon ministry. She and Juan normally go along with us but were in Texas this weekend.

Finally, we brought out the reading glasses and a line formed of the many who wanted to be able to read their Bibles. We are so grateful to give out these glasses so the people can see to read the word!

It was late, about 5:30 PM, and we wanted to get off the mountain before dark. The Pastor assured us that he and others would make sure to get the people to their homes. After many hugs, we left to drive the long road back to Galeana.

As always, thank you for your prayers – they keep us going. If you feel moved to donate financially see our “support” page. It is all for Jesus!

This young mother comitted her life to Jesus.

This young mother committed her life to Jesus.

Remerio gave a sturring sermon.

Ramiro gave a stirring sermon.

They walked over an hour to worship.

They walked over an hour to worship.

Pastor Reynaldo and family sang a Worship song.

Pastor Reynaldo and family sang a Worship song.

Worship was Spirit-filled.

Worship was Spirit-filled.

Lourdes, pastor Reynaldo's wife, served as the moderator for the service.

Lourdes, pastor Reynaldo’s wife, served as the moderator for the service.

The local Pastor played the guitar and gave a testamoney.

Pastor Seldonio played the guitar and gave a testimony.

Ana addressed the congregation.

Martin, Ana and Genesis gave a word to the congregation too.

Everyone had a part in the service.

Everyone had a part.

There over 50 people.

There was about 50 of us gathered to worship.

Praise the Lord!

Praising the Lord!

This woman trotted out quickly and back after praying to walk better.

This woman trotted out quickly and back after praying to walk better.


There were many children.

There were many children.

This grandpa way proud to set with these kids.

This grandpa was proud to set with these kids.

The benches were boards of bricks.

The benches were boards on bricks.

They were happy to get food and clothes.

They were happy to get food and clothes.

We fed them all sandwiches.

We fed them all sandwiches.

Tonyia gave out candy.

Tonyia gave each child a bag with a toy and candy.

We gave out many pairs of reading glasses.

We gave out many pairs of reading glasses.


This lady was all smiles because she could see to read her Bible.

This lady was all smiles because she could see to read her Bible.

The Pastor even found a pair of glasses.

The Pastor even found a pair of glasses.


We met under a leanto.

We met under a leanto.

This woman rested a bit after her long walk.

This woman rested a bit after her long walk.

People of all ages made the walk.

People of all ages made the walk.

The mountain trail was difficult.

The mountain trail was difficult.

The pastor has a beautiful family.

Pastor Seldonio and his family.

This home has a great mountain view.

The view as Steve waited for the people to come down the mountain.

We saw some local farmers tilling the soil with two donkeys.

We saw some local farmers tilling the soil with two donkeys.

Stephen used his limited Spanish to greet the farmers.

Stephen used his limited Spanish to greet the farmers.

The unpaved roads in the mountains are steep.

The unpaved mountain road to get to the Pastor’s house was very steep.

The kids were excited to come to worship.

The kids were also ready to worship.


Loading back up after the service.

Loading back up after the service.

This is a homemade chair.

This is a homemade chair.