Village Church Building Gets Face Lift Inside

Pastor Jose and members also helped paint benches.

Pastor Jose and members also helped paint benches (click on a photo to see it larger).

True Path Ministry Inc. (TPM) joined with Pastor Jose and members of his church to paint the inside of their building and to repair and paint the home-made pews. The church is a vibrant part of tiny Dieciocho de Marzo. It is a small agribusiness dependent village located about ten miles northwest of Galeana.

Pastor Jose leads a spirit-filled church, but they have very limited financial resources. The church building was constructed in the 1970’s and has had little work done on it since mission teams from the US came down to build it.

Even though Stephen and Tonyia Williams are in the USA, Martin carries on the work of the ministry in Mexico. The ministry bought lumber and paint for the bench repairs. Martin also helped paint the walls inside. Earlier TPM assisted in improving the kitchen area of the church building (see Pastor Jose’s Church Gets Updates).

“We are glad we can lend a hand to improve Pastor Jose’s Church building,” said Stephen. ” Pastor Jose is always quick to help others. He works with us at the Mascos 10:14 kid’s club and often goes out with us to the more remote mountain villages.”

“It is a joy to follow the Lord’s leading as we serve Him in Mexico. We cherish your prayers, please keep us in your prayers. Financial contributions are also important for TPM’s work. If you feel lead to make a donation please see our ‘support‘ page.”

The team painted the inside of the church building.

The team painted the inside of the church building.

Pastor Jose is always involved in the work at the building.

Pastor Jose is always involved in the work at the building.

Painting the rafters was a ladder climber's project.

Painting the rafters was member Juan’s ladder project.



There was lots of ladder work involved in the pait project.

Even some of the older members pitched in to help.

Even some of the older members pitched in to help.

The Joy in Delivering Meals Each Week

They are often waiting at the table for us to bring the meals.

They are often waiting at the table for us to bring the meals.

True Path Ministry Inc. has the privilege of working with Nuevo Corazon to deliver meals each week to about 40 elderly poor in the Galeana area. Director Sandra and Coordinator Patricia make sure a team of good cooks are on hand to prepare the healthy food week after week. They cook the meals at the Getsemani Church building near the center of Galeana. In addition to the meals delivered, a few folks come into the church building to eat.

Stephen, Martin and Pastor Reynaldo are usually together in the same vehicle as the delivery team. On a recent week Pastor Reynaldo’s son, Abdrel age 9, also helped us give out the meals.  “It is not unusual for us to take a few minutes to pray for someone in need who is on our route,” said Stephen. “Delivering these meals each week has allow us to build relationships. It gives us a chance to check on these folks. Many live alone in poor conditions.”

Martin greets this elderly lady.

Martin greets this elderly lady.

Stephen met with this man who was a new addition to our route.

Stephen met with this man who was a new addition to our route.

There is always a good team of cooks to prepare the meals.

There is always a good team of cooks to prepare the meals.

We sometimes include tracts that tell about the love of Jesus.

We sometimes include tracts that tell about the love of Jesus.

The delivery team loads all the meals in the back of the Williams' Ford Edge.

The delivery team loads all the meals in the back of the Williams’ Ford Edge.


A Blanket for Maria

Maria told Tonyia how much she liked the new blanket.

Maria told Tonyia how much she liked the new blanket. (click on a photo to see it larger)

It was a cold and rainy day on the Tuesday in November when we were delivering meals prepared by Nuevo Corizon. When we came to the little house on the side of a rocky hill Maria asked Martin if we had any blankets she could use as her little frail body was cold. She lives in a small adobe house clinging to the side of a hill. There is no indoor plumbing and certainly no heat for when the mountain climate turns cold. Martin, Tonyia and Stephen returned a short time later with a warm blanket. Maria was thrilled and so were we to see her tears of joy. Its all for Jesus!

Templo Cristiano Rey De Reyes’ New Sign

The Church serves the small village northwest of Galeana.

The Church serves the small village northwest of Galeana.

One of True Path Ministry’s missions is to help strengthen local churches. Templo Cristiano Rey De Reyes was recently blessed with a new church building. It is in the small and economically challenged village of San Francisco De Los Blancos. It is located about ten miles northwest of Galeana. The Church had no money left and needed help with a sign.

“We have been around Pastors Sergio and Inde many times at local Christian events,” said Stephen. “They are always quick to support others and we felt the Lord’s call to assist them in their time of need.” Steve designed the sign and worked with a local business to get it printed. Martin, also with True Path Ministry, installed the banner on the new church building. In addition, Steve designed and printed posters advertising a special evangelical event the Church is having. Its all for Jesus.


Pastors Sergio and Indie were happy with the new sign True Path Ministry Inc. provided.



October 2016 Newsletter

True Path Ministry, Inc. continues to keep an active schedule as it supports the Lord’s work in an around the Galeana, Neuvo Leon, Mexico area. In our latest newsletter you will find many photographs that tell the story about some of our involvements this past month: Two Hundred Heard Gospel at Tent Revival; Worship in the Mountains: Congregation Walks a Mile; About 40 Children Continue to Come Weekly to Marcos 10:14; Iglesia Getsemani Gets New Sign; Stephen Preached at Two Churches; and New Shoes for Benedita

October 2016 Newsletter below is in PDF format and is suitable for printing.
