VBS Success: Thank You Supporters
by Stephen Williams, TPM president and missionary
The True Path Ministry “Take VBS to Remote Villages” in Mexico was a huge success. First I want to thank God for allowing us to serve him in this way. Plus, we want the churches and individuals who support TPM to know how much we appreciate you. You were as much a part of this effort as those who physically traveled with us.
We also are grateful for the seven folks from various areas of Texas and friends in Mexico who worked so hard with us to bring the love of Christ to children in the villages. Pastors Reynaldo, Lulu and teacher Ana especially deserve kudos. There were several Christian Galeana youth and adults who were so faithful to work with us, they were a vital parts of the team too, thank you.
We had a number of village kids give themselves to a life lead by Christ during this event, that makes all our work worth it. For all of those children who attended this was a memorable time like none they had ever experienced. The memory of their smiles, songs, laughter and energy will linger in me a long time, providing a special kind of joy.
“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need, ” was our guiding verse for VBS (Matthew 6:33 NLT). There are loads of photos and articles about each place we visited in the news section of our website http://truepathministry.com/news
Here are a few highlights from the trip (click on a photo to see it larger).