Uplifting Marco 10:14 Club Meeting
There were lots of smiles and loads of Jesus’ love shared with the 40 or so kids at the Marcos 10:14 kid’s club when they met on Wednesday (August 3rd) at Casa Cristana El Alfarero (the ministry house). Yessi, Martin, Ana and several other adults (Stephen and Tonyia are in the USA) stayed busy keeping up with the kid’s activities.
Yessi lead a fun, Bible-based program that involved the kids every step of the way. One of the activities was to get them to wrap paper around a volunteer to illustrate how God wraps his love around each of us. Yessi had some of the kids sit on a blanket on the ground as she read to them the story about Jesus feeding the five thousand (Matthew 14:15-21). She told them how he put them in groups on the ground.
Several kids recited their memory verses perfectly and earned the privilege of selecting a prize. Martin treated all the kids to a little candy treat, plus they all had a cold drink and snack at the end of the two hour meeting.
The Lord was surly smiling too as the children grew closer to Him and had a good time doing it. It was a wonderful evening at the Marcos 10:14 club meeting – all glory to God!