There Is Power in Jesus Name
But Peter said, “I have no silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!” Acts 3:6
The children at the Marcos 10:14 weekly club learned on August 17th how faith in Jesus and the power of his name helped Peter and John heal a lame man.
Week after week the many kids who regularly come to the club meeting are learning how faith in Jesus changes lives – including theirs. Each Thursday at club we host a Christian lesson, have fun games, craft projects and a hearty snack. There are many good Vacation Bible School events this time of year, but few other programs offer local children similar activities year around.
Working in the name of Jesus, True Path Ministry and its partners in Galeana, Getsemani Church and Nuevo Corazon, is proud to host this worthwhile weekly program for kids.
It is your prayer and financial support that keeps us going! Thank you.
If you feel moved to make an additional donation please see our “support” page on this website.