Giving to People of Mexico
Thank you cannot even begin to express our gratitude! You all: Christ Chapel, Damascus Road Fellowship, Grace Tabernacle, Hi Way Tabernacle, Lighthouse Assembly of God, United Methodist Church Medina and several individuals are a part of our mission and we would not be able to do God’s work without your love, donations, support and prayers!
The gifts you donated were the only gift most of these kids received for Christmas.
There is a lot of preparation that goes into getting the gifts from the churches, getting the gifts across the border and then getting them to the ranches. One issue is the cost to get the boxes across the border, but thankful that cost was taken care of by generous donors!
Made trips to Dollar Store as some gave money for us to buy boxes and fill them. We also went to stores in Galeana to buy bags of candy and food for blessing bags.
We added a Christian tract, which explains how to be saved, for every gift box. We put candy in individual bags to hand out to each child. We packaged, transported and delivered bags of clothes and blankets using the True Path Ministry suburban. We placed the correct number of boxes needed to go to each ranch in heavy black containers with lids that we also placed on top of the suburban.
We traveled to the ranches with the ministry suburban and Ford Edge full of people, blessing bags for pastors, tarps to put donated clothes on, tarps for kids to sit on for Bible time, clothes, Bibles, glasses, small table to give out glasses, and individual bags of candy for each child.
We usually left each morning 8 to 8:30 AM and went to the gas station to fill up the suburban and the Edge. One of the ministry’s biggest expense is gasoline, here it costs about $4.00 USD per gallon (20 pesos per liter).
The gifts you donated were the only gift most of these kids received for Christmas. The joy on their faces was priceless! It truly warmed our hearts!! People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7. Thank you for your hearts for Jesus!!
As you see, we could not do this without your support! God is moving in power in Mexico. If you wish to donate you may mail a check to:
True Path Ministry Inc., 1420 Moseley Road, Ennis, Texas 75119
or go to our “support” web page at:
and select the donate button.
We especially ask that you continue to pray for us and the people of Mexico, as we work for Jesus! Thank you and may the favor of the Lord rest on you!
True Path Ministry Inc.
P.S: Below are photos from behind the scenes and links to the articles we wrote during our gift giving adventures:
(Click on photo to see it larger) We put a Christian tract in every box We assemble some boxes The typical boy box. Stephen, Tonyia, Lori and Jeanette by loaded trailer. We put blankets in suck-down bags. The border crossing is always uncertain with a loaded trailer. We used heavy plastic boxes with a tarp cover. Gift boxes all arrived secure and undamaged.
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