Steve Preaches: “Deep or Shallow Faith?”
Stephen, with True Path Ministry, preached while Martin translated at both Getsemani Church in Galeana and in Dieciocho de Marzo on Sunday October 16. “I used my computer and projector to help make my message clear,” said Steve. “This is very unusual here and the congregations seem to enjoy the new media tool.”
We read the story of the fiery furnace (Daniel 3) and I related it to a current map of the middle-east where Christians’ faith are being tested by persecution daily. I told the story of some people, in the middle east, who converted to Christianity and standing daily on their faith.
We also read the story about Stephen from Acts 6 and 7. He was killed for his faith. I explained that we all will die and we have no certainty when that day will be but I also told them we can have the assurance, if we have accepted Jesus, that no matter when or how we die WE SHALL be delivered and go to be with Jesus in heaven. Are we willing to stand firm in our faith in all situations? Or would we deny Jesus to save ourself?
I told them how the 23rd Psalm brought peace to me in an ambulance when I was near death after a heart attack. I urged them to strengthen their faith by drawing closer to the Lord through prayer. Virtually everyone came forward for prayer. Tonyia, Martin, the Pastors and myself laid hands on and prayed for each one.
It was a wonderful day in the Lord – Jesus is our hope! We praise and worship HIM only!