Sharing Jesus’ Love in Refugio
A group from Grace Tabernacle in Ennis, Texas came to Galeana, NL, Mexico on a short term mission trip to share their love of Jesus. They joined with True Path Ministry and several Christians from the Iglesia Getsemani church in Galeana to travel to Refugio on Saturday, June 23, 2019. It is an extremely remote mountain village. “It was a long drive but well worth it to see the huge smiles on the kids faces,” said one traveler.
There was a powerful song service for all and evangelist Ramiro preached a riveting Bible-based sermon. There was also a time for the kids when they each completed a craft project and received a gift bag full of candy and small toys. We also gave several bags of clothes.
It was a wonderful day serving the Lord. The pictures below tell the story best.
Note: Click on a photo to see it larger.