Santa Cruz Salvation & Healing
What a great night worshiping the Lord in the village of Santa Cruz in the mountains. Several people gave their hearts to Jesus, some were healed and everyone was blessed by a Thursday night service under the stars. It was more like a revival than a regular service. A four piece band brought their converted horse trailer full of equipment from a neighboring village. Their bass player was a young lady – unusual in Mexico.
Our friend Juan from Galeana also joined the band. He switched between the accordion and acoustic guitar. He also has a habit of pausing between songs to quote a Bible verse. He has memorized many (some of you may recall we recently wrote about his amazing testimony).
Tonyia, Stephen and Martin were part of the Galeana group. Pastor Reynaldo and several members of his church from Galeana rode along too. Juan and Sandra hauled a bunch of folks in their 1993 Ford F-150. They were much later arriving than we expected. As he was driving it seems the ball joint failed on the control arm that allows him to steer. It took him some time to fix it. He used some bailing wire to hold the control arm in place. We heard later they had no problem with it when they were driving back at midnight.
Santa Cruz is just six miles northeast but it took us 35 minutes to get there due to challenging roads. Ramiro, a
powerful local evangelist, delivered a strong sermon. The band had set up huge speakers and played and sang hymns for over an hour before the sermon. The sounds of God’s word and His people praising Him echoed through the canyon – everyone in the village heard it.
During prayer time a number of people came forward to commit their lives to Christ. One young woman who was pregnant was one of the people coming to Jesus for the first time. Plus, she asked for healing for her unborn child. She had been told by doctors that the umbilical cord was around the baby’s neck. As the preacher and several others prayed for her she said there was a tremendous amount of movement in her stomach. She believes the baby is now safe. Brother Ramiro has a strong gift of healing. Several others reported having their conditions improved.
Tonyia, Stephen and Martin along with three others left about 9:30 PM. We were worn out. The next day we heard the band and people continued to praise the Lord well into the night. All for the glory of God!