Purpose in Purisma
The Bible tells us not only to go forth and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, but to be encouragers. Each of us should please our neighbors for their good, to build them up. Romans 15:2
The True Path Ministry team and several from the Galeana Getsemani Church had the opportunity yesterday to take the word to Purisma. It is a village in the mountains about 30 miles from Galeana but it took us about a 2 hour drive, due to the terrain. The travel is beautiful with mountain in the background and once you get closer to the village there are several water crossings.
Each of us should please our neighbors for their good, to build them up. Romans 15:2
Evangelist Ramiro preached the word, many sang praises, the kids had their own time of praise and worship. The great people of Purisma blessed us with a meal. As we were leaving, the kids begged to stop at one of the water crossings to play in the stream. It was a hot day for February, in the 90’s. We all wanted the refreshing of the water, so we stopped. It was not that cold but it did cool us down.
We don’t always get to see the fruit from Jesus’ work, but we know HIS word does not go out void so we will press on in Jesus name! Thank you to the beautiful people of Purisma for receiving us with such love, and thank you Jesus for protecting us and allowing us to do your work!
Note: Click on a photo below to see it larger.
Those from
Getsemani Church sangPastor welcomed us Local Church sang Evangelist Ramiro preached Kids all got gifts Clothes given to adults Each family got a blanket We gave Pastor Lebardo Bibles It was a simple wooden church building. We gave out reading glasses The cooking area
Pastor Lebardo’s familyIt was a rough but beautiful mountain road The cool water was refreshing