Proclaiming Christ the King in El Carmen
Eighteen Christians from Galeana, NL, Mx made the hour and a half drive to the tiny desert village El Carmen to proclaim Jesus the Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords. Pastor Ezekiel’s small church building filled with worshipers eager to hear what the Holy Spirit had for them. It was a powerful time for the adults and a fun-filled learning experience for the children who had their own separate service (the photographs included on the website tell the story best).
After the services the kids were given candy and gift bags full of toys, a Christian tract, toothbrushes and other personal items. The adults were given Bibles, clothing, reading glasses, toothpaste and toothbrushes. Plus, the women got a special gift bag with an ink pen, writing pad, hand lotion, lip gloss and tissues.

Most of the adults in the group from Galeana wore their matching Iglesia Getsemani shirts (click on a photo to see it larger).

We took a soccer ball for the kids to play with. It had to be retrieved from the top of a local house.