Leaf Springs, Chairs, Blankets, Clothes and Blessings
Pastor Seldonio, wife Elsa and youngest son Diago were in Galeana, NL, Mexico seeking help with the rearend on his Ford F150. One of leaf springs was broken in two and the differential was being held in place with some bailing wire and a rope. They serve the Lord, ministering to four tiny village churches near Refugio. It is about two hours drive in the highest and roughest mountain area where True Path Ministry has traveled.
Our mechanic, Benjamin (Pastor Rey’s younger brother), determined the only way to fix it was different intact leaf springs. After a full day trying to find a replacement, we discovered a perfect match on a wrecked truck in San Joaquin. San Joaquin is on a main highway, in a desert area, an hour’s drive from Galeana. We decided it was best to buy the leaf springs for both sides.
Pastor Seldonio and family stayed overnight in the TPM ministry house so the repairs could be completed the next day. Pastors Rey and Lulu, of Iglesia Getsemani, were gracious hosts. Pastor Seldonio was able to join the men’s Bible study, at Iglesia Getsemani, that meets every Tuesday night. It was a rare treat as he is not only a preacher, but a farmer and rancher, that seldom has time to spend a night away from home.
On Wednesday, mechanic Benjamin got the used leaf springs installed. We loaded Pastor Selodonio’s truck with some chairs that had been donated from a Texas church. The chairs are a blessing and will used for church services. We gave Pastor Selodonio some blankets and baby carriers to take back, all valuable treasures for members of his remote congregation.
Ministry in Mexico comes in many forms. Thanks to our supporter’s prayers and financial gifts, TPM is able to show the love of Jesus spiritually and physically in a way that truly blesses others.
Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness. Romans 12:6-8 (ESV).