Kid’s Club Routine Fun for Jesus

Each child got a Christian tract explaining the gospel of grace and mercy of Jesus the Christ. (click on a photo to see it larger)
Do we ever feel like our Marcus 10:14 club is repetitious? I pray so. Repetition is all throughout the Bible. We do not consider it boredom as some might. If being repetitious for Jesus is boring, then that is our desire – to be boring! It is our privilege to share the word of the Lord with 40+ kids and adults EVERY Wednesday. Knowing that His word does not come back void! (Isaiah 55: 11) We plant the seeds and the Holy Spirit works to move hearts.
Yep, the message is repetitive, but presented in different ways, different stories and songs. The fun we have is also repetitive but we change the games. The club will always be a place where the kids know they will be loved, will learn about the gospel, will be fed and will have some fun.
We yearn to bring these children and adults who come with them to a knowledge of Jesus they have not known. Many of these children and adults do not even know who Jesus is. Please pray as we continue this ministry, that the Holy Spirit will move in power and use this club as a vessel to reach each one of these precious souls for Jesus. We pray in 2017 that we are – “MOVING IN THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT!”
The Lord has done great things for us; we are glad (Psalms 126:3)