July 16-22, 2017 Was No Ordinary Week in Ministry!
For True Path Ministry in Mexico there is no such thing as a typical week. We may have our idea of how a week should go but it usually doesn’t work out the way we think. A quick summary of this past week: Sunday worship; a broken water pipe; a home worship service; help feeding the elderly; over 50 kids at club; new land purchase; eye exam; car repairs; and annual association meeting. It was a busy week! Our desire Lord is to be about YOUR work in everything we do!
Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:58
Worship at the Getsemani Church in Galeana is always special. This week Rey and Lulu’s daughter Areli, age 6, blessed the service with her solo. Others shared too and Jesus was lifted up.
While Tonyia and I were visiting Pastor Rey and his family at their house after church, he told us he had no running water to his house. He showed us the hole in the supply line. Steve turned the water on at the main valve and water began to spray everywhere. Steve told Rey he would be back in the morning to help repair the water line.
Rey and I (Steve) began the water line repair with a small piece of pipe that Rey already had. But, it also had a hole in it and had to be replaced. After three attempts, we finally got the pipe repaired and Rey’s house had running water.
Sometimes finding the parts needed in Mexico can be the biggest challenge. But, as they say here – you “Mexicate” it – which means you use what you have and make it work.
Tonyia prepared the lesson plan, art project and games for this week’s club so we could get all the information to Patty, the teacher for review. Patty goes over the lesson and prepares herself and also makes sure we have the art supplies needed for the craft.
A side note: The weather has been awesome. Highs in the 70’s with occasional rain showers. Steve was driving through town and it was raining. He saw a man put his arm out his window with a squeegee in hand and wipe his rainy windshield. Apparently, his wipers did not work, – so he Mexicated. He did what he had to be able to see and drive. I have to say, it did make me laugh.
We (Rey and Steve) took the 1995 ministry Suburban to an “oil change” place here in Galeana. It is similar to the quick-change places that are in Texas. We have used mechanics in Galeana for other car repairs but going to a quick oil change place was a new experience. I was glad I didn’t have to go to another town.
What joy it is to say – that today, we were able to purchase land for pastor Rey’s new church. Rey now pays rent for his church and his home. What a blessing it will be to have land and a church that is paid for to remove the burden of church rent. The work to prepare the land for the new church will begin soon. THANK YOU JESUS!
We made the meal delivery route for Nuevo Corazon with help from pastor Rey and his kids. It’s always a blessing to assist in this ministry that is greatly needed for the elderly.
We had service around 6:30pm at sister Mayra’s, a Getsemani church member’s home, on the northern edge of town. As the chairs were being set up, several of us ladies went walking around the neighborhood to invite folks to come to the service.
This service gave us an opportunity to share some of the many clothes from your donations in this small “colonial” area on the edge of Galeana. After the sermon, praying for the families and children, we laid out a tarp and filled it with belts, shoes and clothes. It was such a joy to see these beautiful people in the Lord being blessed by your giving!
Rey and I (Steve) started the day by returning chairs to our ministry house and back to the church from the service last night. Then Steve went to the bank to get pesos so he and Rey could head down the mountain to Linares, a town an hour away, to get a new radiator fan installed on our 2010 Ford Edge. It now has about 230,000 rough miles on it. We waited all day for the part to be delivered from Monterrey, but I’m thankful the radiator and AC cools better now!
Steve went to the ATM again, early this morning, because he had spent all the pesos he getting the car repaired. We can use our ATM card sometimes, but most places take pesos only. I go to the ATM quite a lot.
The snack for club tonight will be a special treat – pizza. So as soon as the pizza restaurant opened, Steve went and ordered the pizzas. The pizza has to be ordered early to give preparation time and then I will go and pick them up.
Tonyia got an eye exam performed in our home. The people had come by the house several times in the last week or so but it never was a good time but today the time worked for us all. The process was somewhat similar to the states but in the home. It will be interesting to see-no pun intended-how my Rx turns out. My glasses will be delivered to the house in about 12 days.
Marcos 10:14 club is always one of the highlights of our week. We had over 50 kids and 12 adults show up at our weekly club meeting. The kids enjoy coming to club. It’s not only a joy for the kids, it’s a joy and honor for us to see them come and learn about Jesus.
We (Steve, Tonyia, Pastor Rey, Lulu and kids) left early – 6AM and headed to Monterrey. It is more than 3 hours from Galeana. We went to Monterrey to attend the annual gathering of the association where Rey and Lulu’s Getsemani Church is a member. Over 20 churches from Mexico were represented. It is an important gathering to honor the pastors, give them encouragement and renewal, through the power of Jesus. It was also our first time to stay in a hotel in Mexico. The hotel was a nice Four Seasons, Sheraton chain, hotel.
One of the most touching moments at today’s meeting, for us, was when Tonyia and I were anointed with oil in a ceremony recognizing our work to further God’s Kingdom in Mexico. It was a tremendous honor and a very spirit-filled ceremony.
We made it home late Saturday evening. It was a busy but fulfilling week. God blessed us so much!! To God be ALL the glory!!!