Graduación, Blessing Bags and a Little “Turista”
Guest written by our niece Jeanette.
Tuesday night I was blessed to be invited to attend the kindergarten graduation of a young lady named Areli. Areli is the middle child of Pastors Rey and LuLu here at Getsemani Church in Galeana. She looked beautiful and did an excellent job walking the stage to receive her commemorative diploma. Afterward, we were all invited to attend a wonderful dinner at Rey and LuLu’s home.
Wednesday morning dawned as being relatively dry, but the afternoon brought more rain. The morning was spent starting all the preparations for our Thursday trip to Canoas.
First, we started out by going to the local bulk food store to obtain the contents of the Blessing Bags. No, you cannot even begin to picture what this store is really like. When we say bulk food, you immediately picture Costco or Sam’s, don’t you? Well, you have it all wrong. This is simply one room (about 30 x 30 feet) with pallets of flour, sugar, rice, beans, coffee, etc. stacked all around. However just like in America, the store buys in large quantities so the price is slightly lower.
After assembling the Blessing Bags, Stephen, Lori and I drove about 8 miles out of town to a local cenote for a little tourism…“Turista”. The cenote, called Pozo del Gavilán, is about 196 feet wide and about 260 feet deep. It was definitely an interesting natural phenomenon to view.
Next we headed to Puente de Dios…or the Bridge of God. Here we were treated to a spectacular view of a naturally occurring rock arch carved by many years of flowing water. Slightly further down the road, a large cave contains a waterfall and abundant ferns.
Soon after , we quickly returned to Galeana in time to attend the uplifting Wednesday night services at Getsemani Church. Tomorrow we make the trek to Canoas, which is about a two-hour drive deep into the mountains. Until tomorrow, Dios te bendiga…God Bless You.