God Provides
Guest written by Stephen and Tonyia’s niece, Jeanette
Today we, the team from True Path Ministry and Iglesia Getsemani, descended into the desert area on the opposite side of the mountains from Galeana. The village we visited is called Hediondilla. Our purpose on this trip was new and unique for both us and the village…to have a Vacation Bible School experience for the kids in the church. The theme of the day was Matthew 6:33, “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”
Moms, Dads, and Grandparents all brought their kids and grandkids to celebrate with us and learn the scripture. We sang songs as we arrived, and kids continued to pour in. Next the teacher, Ana, had special helpers dressed as a duck and a parrot to tell a story about how important it is to have Christ in your heart. Next came the games. There was a “water bucket race” where the kids began with a half full bucket of water on one end of the line, and they had to use teamwork to get a cup with holes to the end of the line and pour the remaining water in another bucket. The team with the most water in the bucket at the end of the line won.
After that, the kids hunted eggs that had today’s bible verse inside. They then had to take the scripture and place it on a bulletin board. The first team to complete the bible verse won. We also had a toilet paper race where the roll was wrapped over and under each child in a line. The first group to get all the way to the end of the line won. Finally, the small children had a sack race.
As you can see, the games were all about teamwork! The kids had a blast with them. The children also had a craft that was reinforcing the scripture to seek God and He will provide all you need…TV, sports, friends, money, all of that is secondary to seeking God.
After we had thoroughly worn the kids out, we provided them with a lunch of sandwiches and chips. As they ate, we passed out a toy and a bag of candy to each child. The women of the church cooked for all of the adults and served us a lunch of fresh tamales and hot sauce.
I cannot express how wonderful it was to see (in person) the progress on the church building in Hediondilla and to visit with the adults and children of the congregation. Oh and, the weather was a perfect 79 degrees with a breeze. God truly blessed us with a beautiful day of fun and fellowship for the kids! May the Lord bless our efforts and help these seeds take root and continue to grow in the lives of these precious children!
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