Giving the Gift of The Gospel in the Mountains of Mexico
True Path Ministry Inc. (TPM) and members of the Iglesia Getsemani Church made their way deep into the mountains of northern Mexico to the tiny village, Refugio. Pastor Selodonio shepherds four small churches in the area and told us the best gift we gave them today was the gospel of Christ. Worship with the folks there was deeply spiritual. The music was uplifting and the sermon was inspiring.
The kids had their own special time of fun and learning under the pine trees. They sang, had a lesson, made a special gift for their mothers (Monday is Mother’s Day in Mexico) and got a bag of candy.
We also gave out reading glasses and a “blessing bag” for Pastor Selodonio and his family. It was a great day serving Christ.
For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. Mark 10:45
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