Getsemani Church Concrete Work Continues
The workers labored long hours to get the stage foundation completed at the new Getsemani church building site. BUT it is complete! Woohoo! One more step forward! It is a major milestone as this completes the floor and work on the walls can begin.
It is amazing to see the difference in how buildings are constructed in the United States vs Mexico. We were thankful that the workers had a cement mixer, making things much easier. Most times the men put the cement on the ground with the sand and mix it by hand.
We ask for your prayers as we continue to need financing (and patience) to complete this church building. We are all very anxious to have this new facility completed, we know it will be done in God’s time. God is good ALL THE TIME! We stand in FAITH!
If you would like to make a financial contribution to the Getsemani church building project please see our “support” page.
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