Easter Services at Mexican Mountain Village Canoas
(There are many photos too.) A group of Christians traveled two hours on Saturday, March 31 in the True Path Ministry suburban from Galeana, NL, Mexico to the tiny mountain village of Canoas to share an Easter service. “It was so awesome to see how grateful these people were to share this time with us,” said Arlen Williams, who was visiting from Texas.
The worship service was Bible-based and Christ-centered. Evangelist Ramiro brought a great message and Lulu, with her acoustic guitar, brought the music. Pastor Berenice, from a village near Galeana, taught the children during a special time. The kids especially enjoyed making a donkey out of a paper sack. It represented the animal that Jesus rode into Jerusalem. We also gave each child a small gift and some stuffed animals after they told us what they learned.
After the services we shared donated clothing, reading glasses, tooth brushes and soap. The pastor and another Christian invited us to their homes and fed us a simple meal of beans and potatoes.
It was a worderful day serving Christ in these beautiful mountains with happy and grateful people.