Church Comes Alive at Canon de Vacas
As the music echoed down the canyon on Saturday, August 27th, the people began to come to the old Christian Church building. When the day was over two new souls had come to know Jesus, all were prayed for, nine people got reading glasses, sixty got new clothes, all the children got milk, the kids got candy and toys, everyone was fed a sandwich and most important of all – Jesus was celebrated in worship and through love.
Canon de Vacas (Canyon of the Cows) is a small village tucked away between giant mountains in a glorious Pecan tree filled valley, beside a flowing stream. It took us three hours of driving from Galeana to finally arrive at the Christian church building. It had been built by members of the Church of The Nazarene of Central Florida in 1975. It was evident that it had not been in use for some time. We soon found out the pastor had died several years ago.
Accordion player Juan and his guitar playing friend set up the big speakers and started singing Christian songs. A few folks who lived close by arrived and cleaned a spot outside. Martin, Tonyia and I moved several benches under the majestic Pecan trees. The people began to arrive a few at a time but soon the benches were full. We continued to bring benches out of the church and they also filled up.
Before the service started we gave out some Bibles and noticed one woman straining to read the words. We pulled out the reading glasses and several came wanting a pair.We worked thru the different strengths to find the best fit. One lady asked us for prayer as her vision was so bad she believed she was going blind. We had some old prescription glasses that were strong. She put them on and smiled broadly as she easily read from the Bible. Her 13 year old daughter had the same vision problem and we found another set of prescription glasses that worked for her too!
After a time of singing and prayer Martin began to preach in the power of the Holy Spirit. It was a compelling sermon focusing on preparing our hearts for Jesus. The people were stirred and several came forward for a special time of prayer. A young man and a middle-age woman made a first time confession of faith. As the two musicians played Martin, Tonyia, Stephen and Sandra went from person to person laying on hands and praying for them.
We began to make sandwiches and hand them out. Tonyia gave the kids a small bag with some candy, a balloon and a blow-out toy. They were overjoyed. Sandra spread a tarp and laid out clothes, many of them new, that had been donated to her Nuevo Corazon ministry. Virtually everyone present found something they could wear.
One lady asked us to go with her to her home and pray for her ill husband. He is in his 80’s and spends most of his time in bed. He has had bad headaches and his legs were not functioning. Tears flowed as we prayed for him and as hope returned to an old man. We told this Christian brother that his job is to pray for his family and those around him. “Si gracias,” he said.
We loaded up to start home but we were informed one of the church members wanted to feed us. Juan was trying to back the truck up the road towards the house and he accidentally got one wheel stuck in a ditch. The truck was in danger of turning over. We left it there and walked on up to the house to eat. After we ate several men tied ropes to one side of the vehicle and steadied it as Juan drove it out with not problems. Thank you Jesus!!
Wow – what a wonderful day serving Jesus! It reminded us again why the Lord has called us here. Keeping our eyes focused on Jesus as He continues to open doors!!
If you would like to contribute financially visit our “support” page on this website. Also, we want to thank those who pray for us faithfully as this too keeps us going. Its all for Jesus!