Christmas Gifts Needed for Mexico

xmasgift1We need your help. True Path Ministry, Inc. is planning to deliver over 300 Christmas gifts this year to kids in some of the most remote areas of Northern Mexico. These are places where other gift programs do not reach and our presents will likely be the only ones these children will get.

We need folks in the USA to start collecting items for the gifts. We have already purchased the bags for the gifts and once everything is gathered, we will divide the items by gender. We like to include a small toy or two, candy and some usable items such as combs, toothbrushes and hair barrettes. You will find a list of suggestions on our support page.

Tonyia and Stephen will be in the Bandera, Sweetwater and Waxahachie areas of Texas in late November. Please let us know by email if you have items to donate: or see our contact page for others ways to get with us.

During our time here our team has visited many small and economically poor villages such as Las Canoas or Canon De Vacas. These small villages are in remote areas where few visitors ever go. During the Christmas season we will return to many of them, hold a worship service and hand out the gifts to grateful, smiling kids. It’s not just about receiving a material gift. This may be the first time these kids hear the gospel and learn that the most important gift they could ever receive is Jesus Christ.

Please include us in your prayers for our ongoing work here and for this gift project. There are many challenges to gathering items for the gifts, getting them across the border and delivering them to the kids who need a touch from Jesus.

If you prefer to support this effort with a financial donation, that too is welcomed (see our support page). If you say on the donation it is for this Christmas Gift program, it will be used only for this purpose.

Little Girl

For many of these kids it is the only gift they get.


Putting the gifts together is a huge effort.

Putting the gifts together is a huge effort.

Stephen and Tonyia have delivered Christmas gifts to Mexico many times through the years.

Stephen and Tonyia have delivered Christmas gifts to the kids in  Mexico many times through the years. But this year will be the most we have ever handed out.