Christian Songs on the Town Square
Saturday 4/23/16
I can never thank Jesus enough for the outpouring of His love and blessings! Can I just say WOW!!
Steve and I worked on the ministry house then we headed downtown Galeana to buy groceries. We had to park about a block away and as we were walking across the town square toward the grocery store, we noticed some young people playing guitars and singing. We could not tell if the music was Christian or not. We decided we would hopefully be able to listen when we came out from the store.
We went inside the store and began shopping when I heard a man singing a Spanish Christian song (How great thou art). I spoke to the man and told him Muy bien (very good) and asked if he was a Christian. He responded yes, that he was a pastor on a ranch near Galeana. His wife was also with him. About that time Steve walked up and I told him this man, Juan Espinosa is a pastor. We took down his phone number and the best we could told him Martin, our interpreter, would be calling him to see when we might visit him. He agreed and we went about our shopping. No coincidence there! God moving!!
We finished our shopping and headed back to the car. The musicians had moved under the gazebo in the town square. As we were walking by a female said “y’all can come over and listen.” Yes In English! I was amazed. I said to her “you speak English.” She said “yes.” They are from a Bilingual Christian school in Montemorales. A town between here and Reynosa that we travel around when we go to Texas.
There were 40-50 college age young men and women. They sang 2 songs in English while I Signed. They interviewed us on camera about our ministry. They prayed for us and we blessed them. SO AWESOME to see young people on fire for the Lord. This all went on in the town square – amazing! THANK you Jesus for this encounter and your freedom to share your light in a public place! We hated that we did not think to take pictures. We left on such a HOLY SPIRIT high!!