Canoas: Fun, Gifts and Jesus
On December 31st the True Path Ministry gift giving group was in Canoas, a small village in a valley at the top of steep mountains. Going south from Galeana three vehicles and eighteen people made the two hour trip. The last hour of driving was on roads that were so steep and rough that our two wheel drive vehicles barely made it. But for the privilege of sharing the gospel of Jesus the Christ – the drive was worth it!
In Canoas the small, old wooden Christian church building is kept alive by faithful families, but few outsiders come here. We picked up a couple from Aguablanca on the way to the village. They wanted to join in worship.
There is only a few solar cells to provide electricity in the tiny village. Juan had to set up a portable generator to run the sound system for the adult and kid’s worship time. He played the music and Sandra sang. Pastor Jose and his family from Dieciocho de Marzo came along for him to preach and Pera lead the song service. He delivered a powerful gospel message and lead a wonderful prayer time.
Yessi, our kid’s club teacher, was with us to lead the children. She had them play fun games, make a Jesus honoring art project and sing Christian songs. The local kids were overjoyed for the rare opportunity to experience the gospel in this way. They later joined the adult worship to show what they had learned. After the service each child was given a Christmas gift. Each present included a tract explaining what it means to follow Jesus. It also had toys and personal items such as soap and combs.
Martin and Ana were also on hand to help. Tonyia and Stephen, plus visitors Larry and Belinda Bookman from Bandera, Texas were there to testify and support all the activities. Tonyia used her beautiful sign language to a Spanish song for an uplifting moment during a spirit-filled worship service.
At the end of the service, after the gifts were given to the kids, the adults were invited to pick from donated clothes and shoes. We also gave out reading glasses to those who needed it. Plus, Sandra who runs the Nuevo Corazon ministry, brought food items to give away such as cereal, bananas and other items.
Because there were 18 of us, three different families divided us in groups to feed us in their homes. It was a wonderful time serving the Lord. On our way back we stopped to give a very poor family gifts and food as we traveled by their home. It is such a joy to serve the Lord! It was a long, but memorable for all involved.
We want to thank everyone who has been praying for us, donated gifts and money. It has kept us going during a very busy time delivering the Christmas spirit in remote villages. If you feel moved to make a donation please see our “support” page. (Below: Check out some of the pictures we took. Click on a photograph to see it larger.)

The kids enjoyed the art project. They are rarely given an opportunity to make a decoration for their home.

Tonyia discovered they separate the strands on a rope to hold their freshly washed clothes on the line.