Activate y Resplandece (Shine) Galeana
Saturday 4/16/16
And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive. Matthew 21:22; If you ask, pray, believe, – YOU will receive! Matthew 21:22
Steve and I are just like you…common people. But the Lord is using us in mighty ways! WHAT AN HONOR!
The last several days have been very busy but AMAZING! Last Saturday, Galeana had a large event downtown in the auditorium. An Evangelist from Monterrey came to preach. There were several pastors from different areas that came. Many brought several people from their church.
One group that really impressed Steve and I were Christian dancers from the tiny village of San Roberto. We learned on Sunday where this group was from. They were so professional with their dance we thought they were from a big church in Monterrey.
They performed with tambourines that had ribbons streaming from them or with silk material. It was such a beautiful way to worship the King!
The event began around 10AM and ended around 9:30PM. There was a time for the children. A clown from Saltillo came and told the kids about Jesus while they played games.
There was a time for youth. The youth band from Monterrey played worship music as the dancers from San Roberto danced. Another young man from Monterrey then preached the word.
Early afternoon the women broke off in a small group, about 30 of us. A lady from Monterrey taught. Before she began speaking, Steve and I were brought forward and introduced. We were able to share what the Lord has put on our hearts for the people in this area and about the ministry house. Once she finished we went back into the auditorium and the music was performed by the Lopez family. The Lopez family are well known in this area for their worship music.
After a powerful time of praise and worship, the evangelist spoke the word. It was a great message. Martin was gracious
and interpreted. What a blessing he is to us!
After the sermon the front of the room filled with people seeking prayer and many received a special blessing from the Holy Spirit. It was an intense time as the Lord moved hearts closer to Him.
It was such an Awesome day with Jesus!! Steve and I met several pastors from the surrounding area and we are excited to get to know them better.

Bible teachings were part of everything
After the event, we were cleaning up and Martin said the associate pastor, Guadalupe, from Monterrey needed a place to stay. Of course we invited him to our home. He stayed thru Tuesday. Google translate came in handy! He is such a wise Christian man, it was wonderful to have him and hear his counsel. Always thankful for the ones Jesus brings into our lives!