Blessings Beyond a Season
Note: Guest written by first time visitors Will & Debby Loveless (see lots of photos below too)
Debby and I were honored to be part of a mission trip to Galeana, NL, Mexico with True Path Ministry, missionaries Stephen and Tonyia Williams. Monday 12-26-22 we traveled from Medina, TX to Galeana, Mexico. We were there from Tuesday, Dec. 27th to Sunday Jan 1st. It was an intense but blessed week of ministry.
Each morning we began with prayer then headed out to a different ranch-village high in the mountains. It would usually take about two hours to get there, on a one lane dirt road traveling about 10 miles per hour or less. Occasionally we would stop for goats and donkeys crossing the road.
Once we arrived at our destination, we would have Church. These Church’s either met outside under an awning or in a small building that you could see daylight through the walls. Most had electricity of some sort but never A/C or heat.
I was truly blessed by this because they set their schedule around the missionaries and were grateful we came to see them. I was very humbled because a lot of the people either walked or rode a donkey more than an hour to get to service. They were very happy to be there to hear what the Lord had to say.
We love kids, so, Debby and I were right in our element. A children’s service was conducted while the adults had their service. The kids prayed, sang songs, heard a Bible lesson and ended with a craft. Once all services were finished, each boy was given a backpack with school supplies, a soccer ball and a bag of candy. The soccer balls were deflated inside the backpack and needed to be aired up, which we did once each boy received their gift. All the girls received a backpack, with school supplies, a girl gift and a bag of candy. These kids showed big smiles as they were so grateful for what they received. Every backpack included a Christian tract which explained the Road to Salvation. The Pastor and wives at each village were given “a blessing bag” which was filled with food and essential items to help them in their daily lives.
I witnessed Pastor Rey, from the Galeana Church, give one of the village Pastor’s an air pump, used to air up bicycle tires, and the village paster started crying. These people not once complained about their conditions or how difficult their life could be but always praised God for what he is doing and has done. We were here to bless these villages but we were very blessed in return.
They are very giving people and the village Pastor’s family always fed us lunch. It was common for the meals to be cooked, in their kitchen, over a concrete fire pit that is covered with metal. Most meals included tortillas, made from corn they grew, and ground into flour using a hand grinder. It was like stepping back in time.
I learned that many times in this ministry, God will change our plans if we allow him. One example, we were on our way back from Santa Rosa, high in the mountains, in the middle of nowhere. We had just came around a sharp curve and three people were walking on the road. Tonyia said “Hey stop we have to help them.” She asked them where they were going and they said Galeana (15 or more miles away). It was 80 degrees, they had been walking awhile and were obviously hot and tired. We were still over an hour out on this one lane remote dirt road.
Traveling with us were three vehicles, so we moved people around and made room for them in the ministry van. We also gave them water and a sandwich. They were on their way to visit a sick friend. Thank you Lord for allowing us to be your hands and feet for these people in need.
Another blessing was meeting and traveling all week with Mexico evangelist Ramiro. He is an awesome man of God and when he preaches, God shows up. I also learned that it doesn’t matter what language we speak, whether English or Spanish, when the Holy Spirit shows up we are all the same body of Christ.
Thank you True Path Ministry for allowing us the opportunity to share God’s love in Mexico. We gave of ourselves, but also was very blessed in return by the love of Jesus from the people.
“The King will reply, Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me”. Matthew 25:40
Dios te bendiga – God Bless You
Will & Debby Loveless
Note: Click on a photo to see it larger.