Pastor Santiago (Chago) At Home With The Lord
Pastor Santiago (called Chago) a longtime friend of True Path Ministry and a mighty servant of the Lord passed away the 12th of August 2020. He is now with Christ in his heavenly home. He was the pastor at Refugio, NL, Mexico, where he and his wife Idalia lived in a simple rock structure overlooking a beautiful valley. It is an extremely remote, small mountain village at the end of a challenging road.
Chago was in his 80’s, he lived life with great zeal and total dependence on the Lord. He was one of those memorable characters who was a joy to be around during worship and fellowship – always smiling.
“From the world’s perspective he may have seemed insignificant, but from a kingdom perspective he was a giant. I am sure he received a great crown,” said John Sursa, who came to know Chago from short-term missionary trips with TPM.
Anytime there was a worship service within “a donkey’s ride distance” he was there. It was not unusual to see him drop to his knees with his arms fully extended in reverent worship of the Lord. His prayers were sincere and reflected an intimate relationship with Christ. His simple life and faithful dedication to the Lord was a lesson for us all. He will be missed.
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing. 2 Timothy 4:7-8
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Pastor Chago and wife Idalia OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Chago with friends visited TPM in Galeana Church building Refugio