Every three months we celebrate the birthdays of the children who were born during the previous three months. For some of these kids it is the only birthday party they will get. Club emphasizes that these children and adults are important to Christ as did The October 4th lesson which talked about the importance of women to Jesus while he was here on earth.
As usual at club, there was a time of prayer, singing, games, a Biblical lesson, craft time and snack. This week’s art project was embellishing a printout of a perfume bottle that included the week’s memory verse. John 12:26 says; “If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.” (“Si alguno me sirve, sígame; y donde yo estuviere, allí también estará mi servidor. Si alguno me sirviere, mi Padre le honrará.”)
Club is always an uplifting time for the kids and adults who are involved – the Lord is glorified. We are able to continue this important ministry because of the contributions from churches and individuals – thank you for giving.

Singing Christian songs is part of the Club meetings.

Craft time at Club is a weekly activity.

Pastor Rey (left) also celebrated a birthday

Happy Birthday “feliz cumpleaños”

Everyone enjoyed the cake and each child got a small gift

Hot Dogs are a special treat in Mexico too.

The large tent we recently added has been a blessing.