Club Learned There Is Salvation in NO One Else but Jesus

It was an especially meaningful meeting for this young lady who committed her life to Christ. (click on a photo to see it larger)

“And there is salvation in no one else [but Jesus], for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved,” Acts 4:12. We were honored on October 26th that a beautiful girl from the Marcos 10:14 club made a commitment to follow Christ. Those at club joined together to lift her up in a special prayer. It was a very touching moment.

Her commitment came after a the lesson called “the plan is fulfilled.” It was a continuation in the series where the kids learned how our disobedience to God (sin) separated humankind from Him, and how Jesus came and paid the price so our sins could be forgiven.

When we tell God we are sorry for our disobedience and commit our lives to Christ we are united with Him. He offers us the ultimate free gift – eternal life.

The weekly club meetings are the ongoing part of the lives of 30-50 children in the Galeana area. In addition to the Bible-based lessons we have a time of song, memory verse recital, games, crafts and a light meal.

Club is supported by a good group of Christians who prepare and teach the lessons, clean the ministry house, cook the meals and many other behind the scenes activities. For everyone involved it is a labor of love in the name of Christ.

The kids at club joined in to pray for her.

The craft always supports the lesson.

She recited her memory verse perfectly.

We pick up many of the kids using the ministry suburban.

Lulu and Mari sweep debris from the courtyard area around the ministry house before club.



¿Este Es Tu Tiempo?

Tonyia delivered a powerful sermon based on Esther and her personal testimonial. (click on a photo to see it larger)

WOW! All I can say is Thank you Jesus!! The women’s conference was AMAZING! Many hours of work went into this conference and there were many, too many to name, who sacrificed their time to help make this conference flow smoothly!!  The place was decorated beautifully for these ladies to experience Christ! I would have it no other way – working for Jesus is what I am called to do!

As the ladies entered the event center, they were greeted by 2 young ladies, who handed each one a badge imprinted with “Este Es Tu Tiempo?” and Esther 4:14 verse. They were also given a gift bag which included two writing tablets, pen, pencil, Kleenex, candy and chapstick.

“Este Es Tu Tiempo?” was the theme for this women’s conference.  This is your time! The theme came from the story of Queen Esther of the Old Testament. The last part of Esther 4:14 says: “And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”

Lulu served as the master of ceremonies.

Lulu, my pastor, from Getsemani church was the master of ceremony. She opened the day with prayer around 10:30 and introduced the Kairos band.

The band’s music was lively and full of spirit. As the music played and we began to worship, the Holy Spirit moved in power! The Christian band is bursting with talented musicians and travels to many areas of Mexico. What a blessing to have them come from San Joaquin, NL, Mexico , about 45 minutes from Galeana, to this event and share their love for Jesus!

Once the band got us “warmed up,” Lulu introduced me (Tonyia) to speak. Elvira, who would speak later in the day, translated for me.

I thanked each lady who came and told them they were not there by accident. I had been praying specifically that the Lord would bring the ladies He wanted to come and He did.

I told the story of Esther and how she became Queen and how the Lord had placed her in a position of royalty to save her people, the Jews.

I then told them how I came to live in Mexico as a missionary. The Lord wanted me here even though I did not speak Spanish and would be moving to an unknown area. In obedient faith, I followed His command and stand on His promise to take care of the rest.

I told them that each one of them is created by God. That God has a specific purpose for each one of them individually. “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well,” it says in Matthew 6:33.

Seek Him first and He will show you what your purpose is. He will show you how to live for Him daily.

I then told them that working for Jesus is not always easy but that He is ALWAYS with us. “He will never leave nor forsake us,” says Hebrews 13:5.

I told them the Lord had pressed on my heart days before the conference to pray for the women pastors and pastor’s wives. I asked them to come forward and I told the ladies in the audience that we need to be praying for them every day.  They work countless hours for Jesus and they need our prayers. I believe there were about ten women pastors or pastors wives that came forward for prayer.  It was a beautiful time of prayer with the Holy Spirit filling up these ladies so they continue His work.

Once I was finished, we took a short break then Lulu introduced our next speaker, Norma Moreno.

Norma sang and gave a meaningful sermon.

Norma is the lead singer of the Kairos band.  She is Pastor Ricardo Garcia’s wife and is a bold leader for Jesus. Steve and I have been around Norma and the Kairos band at several events. When I asked Norma and she agreed to be one of the speakers, I was very excited.  She is so full of the Holy Spirit it naturally flows easily out her.

Norma spoke about Esther and how as women we have to step in the role the Lord called us for.  This is your time! The Lord gave her a prophetic word for a specific pastor’s wife in the audience – Very powerful!  She called for the women to come forward and pray, seeking Jesus.  She prayed for these ladies and the Holy Spirit moved in power!

After the prayer time, Lulu prayed for the meal. The men and older children served the tamales and bean soup which had previously been prepared by the women.  It was important to me for these ladies to have a special meal which they did not have to serve. But these Mexican women understood this is was a special meal, because they know the time it takes to prepare tamales.

After meal time was completed Lulu introduced Elvira.

The Lord laid on my heart , right after Steve and I moved to Mexico, to have a women’s event but He had not given me clarity on who the speakers would be or the date.

Steve and I traveled to Monterrey a few months back to be inducted into our Mexico covering of Comunion de Iglesias Cristianas. Pastor Cesar is the head of this organization and his wife Gabriela introduced Elvira to Steve and I.

Gaby told Elvira that Steve and I did not speak much Spanish and asked if she would interpret for us. What an amazing gift she has. Her brain worked very quickly to tell us what was being said. We were so very grateful to her for doing this!

Soon after we met Elvira, the Lord spoke to me and told me she was the speaker for my women’s event.  I had chills. I told Elvira that I had been praying for a speaker for a women’s event in Galeana and I told her the Lord said it was her.

She accepted the offer and though we had never met before, our spirits connected that day and the rest is history.

I do not believe God does things by accident! He knew who the speakers would be, He knew where the event would occur and He knew each lady that would be present.

Elvira is well known in Mexico and the USA. She has a beautiful voice and uses music throughout her preaching.

Elvira is not only a known speaker in Mexico but also in America. She has a beautiful voice and uses music throughout her preaching. To say she is powerful is an understatement. This lady is on fire for Jesus and it comes out in her music and her preaching. She prayed over the women and many were filled with the Holy Spirit.

I cannot wait until our next event! Elvira said she will gladly return to Galeana!!

Cindy Lopez blessed us with a few songs as the day was completed. The ladies prepared themselves coffee and took some bread for their way home.

We believe this was the first women’s event in Galeana.  BUT it will not be the last! Jesus is moving in mighty ways in Galeana and the surrounding areas. “ Therefore, my beloved brothers [sisters], be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain,” 1 Corinthians 15:58 (ESV).

Naomi, a member of Kairos band, playing the accordion during prayer time

The spirit-filled times of prayer were especially powerful.



Kairos groupo (band) from San Joaquin.

Women in all seasons of life were at the event.

Cindy sang several beautiful songs.

The men and older children served the meal to the ladies.

The event worship and teaching team were a wonderful group of women from USA and Mexico.

Elvira (left) and Tonyia pose for a photo after the event. Elvira is a popular presenter and singer from McAllen, Texas.


The children enjoy playing in the grass-cover area beside the event center.

The kids were drawn to the irrigation canal that flowed through the play area.

Ana, on the ladder, made the giant letters for the stage sign

Patty made beautiful crown table decorations.

We taped a white sheet of paper over the beer sign on each chair.



We gave a gift bag to every woman who attended.


A group of Christians gathered at the True Path Ministry house to make about 1000 tamales the day before the event.

The kids helped get the corn husks soft to cover the tamales.

The tamales are carefully positioned before they are cooked using steam.

The tamales were steamed at the event center.






Good News! Our Savior is Born

The Marcos 10:14 Kids Club learned on October 19th that the birth of Jesus is more than a beautiful Christmas story. In continuation of our series in the Bible the children have learned how mankind has a problem following God and that our disobedience has consequences. Christ’s coming was predicted many years earlier by the prophet Isaiah (see Isaiah 7:14 and 9:6). He is more than just a good man; he came to bring peace between us and God.

There are over forty children who consistently come to the Marcos 10:14 Kids Club each week. In addition to good Bible-based teaching the children enjoy fun games, prayer time, singing, a craft that illustrates the lesson and a light meal.

There are a number of adults who pitch-in to help each week. Some help pick-up many of the kids from around Galeana, NL, Mexico using the True Path Ministry suburban. For some kids this is their first and only experience with Christian teaching. The Club adults create an uplifting atmosphere full of Christ’s love.

If you feel called to support this ministry please pray for us. If you are called to give financially see our support page.

Patty reads from the Bible. (click on a photo to see it larger)

The kids enjoyed a bowling game using Coke bottles.

This game brought a lots of smiles.

Pastor Reynaldo helps each week.


Lulu (left) and Mari work together each week to prepare the meal.

We always pray at club.


Delivering Food to Elderly in Galeana, NL, MX

Maria lifted her hands toward heaven when I brought her a meal from Nuevo Corazon on the 17th of October. She lives alone in a small adobe house on the side of a steep hill. She gave me a big hug as tears of joy flowed and she praised God for my coming. My Spanish is limited, but I had not trouble discerning her need for the brief break from loneliness. She is one of the thirty five elderly and usually home-bound people we see each Tuesday. While the meals bless them with nutrition it renders a double portion of blessings to those of us who have the privilege of being the hands and feet of Jesus through this ministry.

I am reminded of what the Bibles says in James 1:27 (ESV): “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”

May God bless Christians who have an active Christ-centered and people serving faith.

Pastor Reynaldo is a faithful member of the meal delivery team (click of a photo to see it larger)

Marie (left), Patty and Lulu prepare the thirty five meals each week.

Stephen and Rey loaded and delivered the meals.

Renewed and Refreshed After IA Missions Conference

“Tonyia and I were renewed and refreshed after three days of prayer and good fellowship with other missionaries at the annual Independent Assemblies (IA) Missions Conference in Blackwell, Oklahoma on October 9-11, 2017,” said Stephen. “We were a bit surprised and honored to be among the missionaries who spoke at this year’s conference.”

Rev. Robert Johnson is the world missions director for IA. (click on a photo to see it larger)

Tonyia and I arrived a little early for the first session on Monday and IA World Missions director Rev. Robert Johnson met us and sat down to talk a bit. After a few minutes he asked us if we had a PowerPoint presentation that shows our ministry. I said yes and he asked us to be the first speaker on Tuesday morning. He said for some reason he had not settled on what to do in that time slot until after he talked with Tonyia and I.

Wow, the Lord does work in mysterious ways. It was humbling for True Path Ministry Inc. to be included in the program as the other organizations represented are well established through many years of service in their part of the world.

Ministries from around the world were represented at the conference. Missionaries that we met or who presented, serve in Africa, India, Mexico, Iran, Asia, South and Central America.

We met Kerry and Twyla Ruggles who live in Saltillo, Mexico and have a church and college there. We also met a Brother who has a ministry in Rio Bravo, Mexico and several others from IA who had done ministry through the years all over Mexico.

Rev. Kerry Riggs is head of a Christian college and church in Saltillo, Mexico

We enjoyed seeing how God is working through various organizations around the world. But also, it was a joy to be part of the very spirit-filled worship services held Monday and Tuesday nights. Plus, IA pampered us with special meals prepared by the good folks from the Blackwell Tabernacle. The fellowship between missionaries and world missions minded Christians was especially enjoyable.

In the final session IA brought all missionaries forward and laid hands on and prayed earnestly for each of us. Both Tonyia and I felt a renewed sense of purpose as we started our drive back south. We are proud to be part of IA, it is a very mission minded organization that is on the front lines of furthering God’s kingdom around the world.

How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! Psalm 133:1

We were pleasantly surprised when Rev. Johnson asked us to speak at the Missions Conference.

Dr. Estes is vice-president of IA. He preached and told of his recent travel in India for Jesus. He is full of the Holy Spirit and is a powerful healing preacher.