Eleven Christians from Galeana, NL, Mexico loaded in the True Path Ministry 1995 Suburban with the mission of being the hands and feet of Christ to San Jose Del Rio. It is a small and remote mountain village. Our worship with these hungry hearts was sincere and deeply spiritual. We also gave out four big boxes of clothes, many reading glasses and seven Bibles. The village has a beautiful Christian church building, but the pastor died a few years ago.

Several members of the Church read from the Bible or shared a testimony. (click on a photo to see it larger)
The widow of the deceased pastor to San Jose Del Rio is a member of Rey and Lulu’s Getsemani Church in Galeana. She and members of her family were very grateful for the opportunity to come along on the adventure.
“The Worship service and the much needed items we gave to the people of the tiny village by the river was a huge encouragement,” said Stephen. “It is a special kind of joy to know we used the resources of True Path Ministry in the way the Lord intended.”
You may recall that the community recently lost a prominent Christian man to death (see A Day Honoring the Passing of a Brother In Christ). This service provided some healing to the local folks.
We lingered in the area after the worship service and gift giving was over. Pastor Rey, his kids and I (Stephen) headed down to see the river that runs beside the village.
On our way down a steep hill we encountered an elderly lady also traveling the same trail. She had been at the service and was carrying a couple of bags. I went beside her to help her down the hill.
I am not sure who was helping who, she had a strong grip in her hands and stout legs on the ground. But, she seemed to enjoy having the company as we made our way down.
The river was clear, flowing water – it was beautiful. In places on the banks there where pecan and avocado trees. Except for the avocado trees, the river reminded me of the Medina River in Texas where I grew up. I pulled off my boots rolled up my pant legs and waded in the water. Rey’s kids got a big laugh out of me, but soon followed my example. We had fun at the river as several of the ladies prepared lunch for us.
After the meal we loaded back in the Suburban to travel the hour and a half drive down the sometimes challenging mountain road. The Suburban’s four wheel drive was nice. We returned tired but very satisfied that we had been good witnesses for Christ whom we serve.
If you would like to make a donation directly to the work of True Path Ministry see our “Support” page on this website. We are grateful for your support, both financial and prayers!

Most everyone played a part in the service.

Pastor Rey delivered a powerful sermon.

Lulu provided the music and her kid’s sang a hymn.

The pastor’s widow participated in the service in several ways.

We spread out four big boxes of clothes after the service.

We also gave each child a small gift. Each bag includes a Christian tract and some simple toys.

This elderly lady was about to go down the steep hill alone.

I (Stephen) walked with here, hand in hand, down the steep grade. I am not sure who was helping who.

San Jose Del Rio is a beautiful mountain river.

After getting to the river we had to get our feet in the cool, clear water.

Avocado trees grow wild here and are in season now.

The suburban was loaded top to bottom.

With eleven people in the vehicle we even had kids in the very back.

It is a beautiful little cut rock church building.

Donkeys are a common sight along the road.

We saw these kids beside the road on our way home and we gave them one of the left over gifts. It turns out there were six of them. We had just enough gifts for each one.