A Special Spirit-Filled Lady

Amazing Worship in Aguablanca Mexico

January 17, 2016

What an amazing day to fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

We made a trip to Aguablanca to visit Sister Joventina’s in-laws and family. Sister Joventina lost her husband about 2 years ago and now is a widow raising her 10 year old daughter.

joventinadaughterShe has such a beautiful spirit and loves the Lord with all her heart! She blessed us with a meal last night of home made flour tortillas, beans and eggs. It was delicious! We are so grateful to know such an amazing woman of God.

The trip was about 40 miles and it took us 1 hour. The road is not quite as bad as going to Refugio but it still is dirt and mountainous. I took a video with my phone but we are unable to pull it up – Next time 🙁

The road starts out paved but has many pot holes. You then turn off onto a gravel mountainous road. As we are driving down the gravel road, we met a couple walking. Sister Joventina asked us to stop and pick them up because they are some of her husband’s family.

aguablancaIt was 50 degrees outside and from the time we picked them up we drove on another 12 minutes before reaching the house. So I can’t imagine how long it would take walking. They do not have a vehicle so if they need to go to town, they walk to the main road to catch a bus or sometimes a friend will come by and pick them up.

We go to bless but we are the ones that are blessed! The hunger for the Lord is evident in this family and worship was tremendous! We praised Jesus by singing, giving thanks and Jesse preached from the Bible. We also had a time of prayer. We prayed for the family and the Holy Spirit was very present!

babywalkerWe took food and the walker that Kim Sursa donated to Sister Aurelia and baby (Nino) Johnathan. She was very grateful!

Jesse anointed Chuy and Karen with oil as we prayed for them to be covered by the blood of Jesus in their endeavors as missionaries.

For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them. Matthew 18:20

THANK YOU Jesus that we can worship you wherever we are! WE Love you Jesus and we are humbled by your mercy and grace!!

Please be in prayer for the following needs: Large Print Spanish Bibles, Knitting thread for Sister Joventina – she uses all means she can to make money (she also sales tamales that are wonderful!), Sewing machine also for Sister Joventina, Guitar for Chuy – He is trying to learn so he can use at home meetings, tent revivals or wherever Jesus sends him.

Steve and I will be moving here within the next 2 weeks and we will need workers to come and help with the ministry house. We will be making an inventory of the items needed and we will put that out soon.



Granny with Baby

Granny Julia and Johnathan.

7 Positives Christians Bring the World

It seems that we have entered a time when Christians in the USA are under attack. Many in America have forgotten where the countless positive aspects of our national character originated. Here is a reminder of seven.

  1. Jesus is the perfect example of how to live life with meaning and purpose. Even his greatest enemies admit Jesus lived an admirable life that changed history. His life story has a message for everyone.
  2. Love of God and love of people are a cornerstone for true Christian followers. Loving God removes attention from simply satisfying ourselves. It takes us to a higher calling. Loving people unconditionally is what that higher power propels us to do. (Jesus explains this in Matthew 22:34-40)
  3. A miraculous certain hope that is beyond human ability is in the spirit of a Christian. When believers find themselves in a situation that is sure to lead to death we can have peace knowing that we are in the capable hands of our creator, and He will take care of us. (See as an example Psalm 33:18-22)
  4. Education is a key ingredient of a Christian’s life. The Bible teaches us to be renewed in our mind. Christians’ contribution to education for everyone are everywhere to see. (Romans 12: 2)
  5. A common social order beyond borders is a natural by-product from following “the way” (that is what Christians were first called). The Bible calls us to live in peace and go through life with honesty and integrity in all our activities. Christians know how to interact regardless of country of origin or ethnic background. (1 Corinthians 12:12)
  6. The Bible gives us an objective moral standard that is beyond any current law. The word is a long proven effective code for human interaction. It is an unchangeable standard outside human influence. (Luke 16:17)
  7. Unselfish giving to causes that benefit humanity are basic with Christians. We are called to give a portion of our money, time and talent to causes without expecting anything material in return. (Matthew 6:1-4)

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