Santa Cruz Salvation & Healing

Tonyia handed out balloons and candy before the service.

Tonyia handed out balloons and candy before the service. (Click on photo for a larger view)

What a great night worshiping the Lord in the village of Santa Cruz in the mountains. Several people gave their hearts to Jesus, some were healed and everyone was blessed by a Thursday night service under the stars. It was more like a revival than a regular service. A four piece band brought their converted horse trailer full of equipment from a neighboring village. Their bass player was a young lady – unusual in Mexico.

Our friend Juan from Galeana also joined the band. He switched between the accordion and acoustic guitar. He also has a habit of pausing between songs to quote a Bible verse. He has memorized many (some of you may recall we recently wrote about his amazing testimony).

Tonyia, Stephen and Martin were part of the Galeana group. Pastor Reynaldo and several members of his church from Galeana rode along too. Juan and Sandra hauled a bunch of folks in their 1993 Ford F-150. They were much later arriving than we expected. As he was driving it seems the ball joint  failed on the control arm that allows him to steer. It took him some time to fix it. He used some bailing wire to hold the control arm in place. We heard later they had no problem with it when they were driving back at midnight.

Santa Cruz is just six miles northeast but it took us 35 minutes to get there due to challenging roads. Ramiro, a

The village pastor Peter also spoke at the event.

The village pastor Peter also spoke at the event.

The band was very good.

The band was very good.

powerful local evangelist, delivered a strong sermon. The band had set up huge speakers and played and sang hymns for over an hour before the sermon. The sounds of God’s word and His people praising Him echoed through the canyon – everyone in the village heard it.

During prayer time a number of people came forward to commit their lives to Christ. One young woman who was pregnant was one of the people coming to Jesus for the first time. Plus, she asked for healing for her unborn child. She had been told by doctors that the umbilical cord was around the baby’s neck. As the preacher and several others prayed for her she said there was a tremendous amount of movement in her stomach. She believes the baby is now safe. Brother Ramiro has a strong gift of healing. Several others reported having their conditions improved.

Tonyia, Stephen and Martin along with three others left about 9:30 PM. We were worn out. The next day we heard the band and people continued to praise the Lord well into the night. All for the glory of God!

The band included a young lady bass player.

The band included a young lady bass player.

This young women received Jesus and prayers for healing her unborn child.

This young women received Jesus and prayers for healing her unborn child.

Our friend Juan often quote Bible verses between songs.

Our friend Juan often quotes Bible verses between songs.

All the benches were full as others stood to praise the Lord.

All the benches were full as others stood to praise the Lord.

Juan's used bailing wire to repair the control arm on his F-150.

Juan used bailing wire to repair the control arm on his F-150.

Juan stands beside his trusty pick up truck.

Juan stands beside his trusty pick up truck.

Reynoldo's wife Loures and three kids came along too.

Reynoldo’s wife Lourdes and three kids came along too.

Blessings in the Mountains: San Jose Del Rio

Juan played the music for the service

Juan played the music for the service

It was a wonderful day serving the Lord in remote San Jose Del Rio! We had a great worship service, fed about 40 people, gave away ten Bibles and handed out over fifteen pair of reading glasses.

The True Path Ministry team followed up on going with Juan, his wife Sandra and daughter Patricia today (Saturday June 4) as we discussed at our Wednesday night dinner. But the number of those joining us on this adventure grew. Twenty one people traveled with us on the hour long trip south of Galeana to San Jose Del Rio. It is a remote village on a dirt road in a canyon by a creek, deep in the Sierra Madre mountains.

We took our Ford Edge with six people and Juan took his 90 something Ford truck with the remaining 15. Yes, that’s right there were 15 people in his truck including Pastor Reynoldo and family (you may recall we posted a story about him recently),  Yessi and her two small children, plus several members of the Getsemani church in Galeana. It was truly an adventure in serving the Lord.

San Jose Del Rio has a great little church building, however their pastor recently died. We Galeana folks facilitated the Worship service. Juan played the guitar, Pastor Reynoldo’s wife, Lourdes kept the service on track, Tonyia signed, I told how we came to be in Mexico, Martin preached and  Pastor Reynoldo closed with a powerful prayer. The alter filled with people seeking special prayer.

Martin preached a powerful sermon from Romans.

Martin preached a powerful sermon from Romans.

The ladies of San Jose Del Rio sang a hymn during worship.

The ladies of San Jose Del Rio sang a hymn during worship.

After the service we fed everyone sandwiches made on the tailgate of Juan’s truck. We handed out four big print and six regular print Bibles. Plus, we had also brought a bunch of reading glasses from the Dollar Store in the USA. They were very popular – several of the local folks smiled broadly when they realized how much better they could see their Bibles.

As we were finishing the rain started. We rearranged who was to ride where so that the small children could be out of the rain. Martin and I joined Pastor Reynaldo and six of the older kids in the back of the pickup for a wet ride back to Galeana. But we poked fun at each other, sang hymns and turned what could have been a difficult ride into a fun adventure. The Lord had blessed us so that the rain did not dampen our Spirits.

All in the name of Jesus for the glory of God.

Stephen told how the Lord brought us to Mexico.

Stephen told how the Lord brought us to Mexico.

These two brothers belong to Yessi.

These two brothers belong to Yessi.

The reading glasses we had brought to give away were very popular.

The reading glasses we had brought to give away were very popular.

We handed out both big print and regular print Bibles.

We handed out both big print and regular print Bibles.

We fed sandwiches to everyone present.

We fed sandwiches to everyone present.

Tonyia checked out the Avacodas on a tree near the church.

Tonyia checked out the Avacodas on a tree near the church.

Avacadas grow well in the area.

Avacadas grow well in the area.

Pastor Reynaldo and son rode in the back of the truck.

Pastor Reynaldo and son rode in the back of the truck.

These two girls were part of the back of the truck crew.

These two girls were part of the back of the truck crew.

Martin borrowed a kid's coat to try to stay warm on the return trip home.

Martin borrowed a kid’s coat to try to stay warm on the return trip home.

It was a wet ride home.

It was a wet ride home.

We tried to use a tarp to keep dry, but it did not work.

We tried to use a tarp to keep dry, but it did not work.

Our Ford Edge had to travel some difficult roads.

Our Ford Edge had to travel some difficult roads.

An Amazing Testimony

Juan, Sandra and Patricia are starting a new ministry to feed the elderly.

Juan, Sandra and Patricia are starting a new ministry to feed the elderly.

We had guests scheduled for this week’s dinner at the ministry house, but the Lord changed who the guests would be. He had a better plan. The original folks we invited had things come up in their lives and postponed their visit.

Martin called Juan, a Christian brother,  whom we had met once but that Martin knew. Juan is a musician and often makes visits to remote places/farms to play his Christian music. We have been interested in working with him to visit these remote farms.

Martin asked Juan if he wanted to come for dinner and discuss all of us going to a farm on Saturday.  He agreed and we were happy to have his family, Sandra wife and daughter Patricia, come eat with us at Casa Cristana El Alfarero for our weekly Wednesday night meal.

Amazing Testimony

Juan told us his family’s testimony. There were eleven of them in his family when he was growing up and his father was a hard and stubborn man. His dad did not know the Lord. One of his sons had a disorder where he had seizures. They took him to doctors who told them the boy has a serious condition and said he would surely die soon and there was nothing they could do.

One day their words came true. The boy of about four years old collapsed on the play ground – he was dead. They picked up the body and placed it inside their home and covered him with a blanket. The family began to mourn their loss.

When the father heard the news he went around to the back of their house and for the first time in his life cried out to the Lord. “If you will somehow give me my son I will serve you all the days of my life.” Still deep in despair the father entered the house to see his dead son. But, just as he entered the room where the body lay the boy sat up — he came back alive!

The father honored his promise to the Lord and used the balance of his life to spread the gospel into many parts of northern Mexico. He has since gone on to be with the Lord. But many in the family continue to minister in the name of Jesus, including Juan.

In fact Juan was the boy in the story. He never had another seizure and has lived a normal life. Everyone in the room had tears in their eyes as he told us his very personal testimony. He was also proud to say that on this Wednesday, June 1, 2016 it was daughter Patricia’s birthday. We sang the happy birthday song to her.

A New Ministry

Juan, his wife Sandra and daughter Patricia are totally committed to serving the Lord. Juan has a truck and makes a living hauling material for local folks. But, he is always looking for ways to honor Christ. Sandra told us they had seen some elderly people going through the trash looking for food and it broke their heart.

The family has set out to ease the hunger they observed in the elderly. They are about to start a new work called “Ministerio Nuevo Corazon – Galeana” (New Heart Ministry, Galeana Branch) with a little help from the Monterrey organization with the same name.

The elderly in Mexico get no more than $1,000 Pesos each month (about $60 USD) on which to live. These days not many families are willing to take in their older relatives, even here in Mexico. A hot meal at least once per week will be a great blessing to these older folks. But they were not sure where they would cook and feed them.

It is always amazing how God puts this stuff together.  Casa Cristana El Alfarero is close to being setup for such a meal and it fits into the vision the Lord gave us when we came here. We are still praying about this, but we will likely partner with this worthwhile ministry as part of our work here.

Music into the Mountains

Juan and his family have been all over the Galeana area as they all grew up here. They also have a heart for the poor who live in remote, seldom visited villages in the mountains. Juan plays the accordion and leads singing. We all agreed we would make a trip Saturday to a village they knew about, but it is one we never visited. The adventure with the Lord continues. We’ll let you know how it goes.

We all acknowledged that the Lord had brought us together for this meal and discussion. Praise the Lord, it is He we serve!


Prayers with Lopez Family

Tonya, Pastor Lupe and Samuel Lopez.

Tonya, Pastor Lupe and Samuel Lopez. (click on photo for closer view)

Thursday night (May 26)  a small car pulled up in front of our Galeana home with Samuel and Tonya Lopez.  The Lopez family are well known locally because of their musical talent and we have been around them at multiple Christian events. Some of you may recall we had prayed with Tonya and her daughter Cindy some weeks back.

Samuel and Tonya Lopez were distressed and we were honored and humbled they had come to us. However, we were not sure what was the nature of their distress. We had difficulty talking with them because of our limited Spanish. We called our fellow True Path Ministry worker Martin who talked with them a while.

We learned from Martin they had just been to the hospital after Samuel had experienced some unusual bleeding. Plus, Tonya had a very disturbing dream the very night before. They were both concerned and wanted our prayers. We shared some coffee and cookies and then we prayed. We agreed to come see them at their home on Saturday so we could pray for them and their home with Martin present.

The True Path Ministry team (Martin, Anna, Genesis, Tonyia and Stephen) drove out to the Lopez compound, called El Poso, on Saturday night. It is about ten miles south of Galeana. Several members of the Lopez family and others have homes beside each other. They even have their own church where the senior Lupe Lopez is pastor.

We sat down with Samuel, Tonya and Lupe Lopez for a time of friendly visiting. After discussing their concerns we opened the Bible to Ephesians to read and discuss the power of the Armor of God in verses 6:10-20 and its application in our lives.

We began an intense time of prayer. We all realize we can only fight the rulers of the darkness in the Spirit through the name of Jesus. We laid hands on, prayed for, and anointed with oil  Samuel and Tonya Lopez and their home. The power of the Holy Spirit filled the room. It was a moving moment in the name of Jesus. We are so thankful to have a Savior that loves us so much. Jesus is our certain hope!

Dinner, Apron and Bible

We ate Pizza with the Hernandez family on a recent Wednesday night.

We ate Pizza with the Hernandez family on a recent Wednesday night.

Anna, Martin, Genesis, Tonyia and I treated the Hernandez family to pizza on a recent Wednesday night at Casa Cristana El Alfarero. Pastor Hernandez  has a vibrant church in a poor area of Galeana. He and wife Martha have two kids, Soreal age 15 and Jessica age 20. They are all talented musicians and have a heart for the Lord.

The Hernandez family have been in Galeana eight years after leaving their family and a nice home in Veracruz. When the Lord called them into the mountains they came with very few possessions. They lived in a tiny apartment before building a small dwelling attached to the church.

He has been working on the church. It has noticeable updates and  is almost finished inside. His

Pastor Hernandez is over a great local church and he also sells tortillas to support his family.

Pastor Hernandez is over a great local church and he also sells tortillas to support his family.

congregation is in a poor area and the family makes ends meet by selling tortillas. Each day they get up early to cook tortillas that Pastor Hernandez takes to sell by driving up and down the streets. He has a large speaker on top of his car and he announces his goods. He is never too busy to talk with someone who needs a kind word or prayer.

We learned at the dinner he needs some help installing a bathroom and he would like to find a resource for children’s teaching materials. We agreed to help. We also discovered Jessica, who just turned 20, is looking at attending Bible college. She has a heart for children and serving the LORD.

We gave one of the donated aprons to Martha.

We gave one of the donated aprons to Martha.

We recently had some aprons donated to us and Martha was the first one we thought of who needed a new one. She liked her new apron. While we were in McAllen last week we were able to go to a Family Christian store that had a good supply of Spanish language Christian material. We used the opportunity to get Jessica a well respected Holman Study Bible in the RVR 1960 translation.

We are so blessed to be an active part of God’s work. I pray that everyone who feels the Lord’s calling acts in obedience – there is nothing like the peace that comes in knowing we are in His will.