Tonyia and Stephen Williams have bee called to work as Christian Missionaries in Mexico. This is the ongoing story about our adventures.

A Sunday in San Francisco, NL, Mexico

True Path Ministry along with Galeana Evangelist Ramiro Garcia went to San Francisco, a small village several miles north of Galeana on Sunday, August 25th. It is situated at the base of a 12,000 foot mountain named Potosi. Pastor Saul had heard we had some reading glasses and wanted us to come to his church and offer them to his congregation. We were set to be at his first service at 10:30 a.m., normally a small Bible study group. He said it would be good if Evangelist Ramiro would preach as he was hoping to build up the Sunday morning group.

Word must have gotten around because the Church building filled with worshipers. Ramiro ‘s spirit-filled sermon prompted raised hands and lots of shouts of “amen” and “hallelujah.” After the service we set up our glasses table at the back of the church and began to help those crowded around select the right reading spectacles. All of our glasses were given out. We also had five bags of clothes we spread on the floor and bags to contain them. They were quickly snatched up by the many families attending the service.

Tonyia handed out small bags to the children with simple items like bubbles and a few pieces of candy. The kids were excited and grateful to get the unexpected gifts. Pastor Saul told us over coffee afterward he was very happy with the number of people who came, Ramiro’s sermon and the gifts, glasses and clothes True Path Ministry brought were a blessing. But most of all that Christ was honored and glorified.

“Then the righteous will answer him, “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ “The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25: 37-40

It is so humbling to be used by our Lord to show his love to others! It is supporters like you who make it possible for us to continue. Thank you for your support in all forms.

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Sewing Gifts from the Heart of Jesus

Seven ladies in the Galeana, NL, Mexico area were overjoyed to get sewing supplies. Gloria, wife of Milton who is the Baptist preacher here in Galeana, received a sewing machine. All of this was made possible in Jesus name thanks to some generous Christian donors in Texas. The ladies had all been part of Patricia’s sewing class at one time.

Patricia and Harry Williamson are missionaries that operate a Christian camp outside town. We work together on projects the Lord places in our path. They had asked if we could help get some items for their sewing classes. We put the word out and a few months later were able to transport the items across the border. We still need some more sewing machines. Please let us know if the Lord leads you to donate one to our ministry.

All glory to Jesus!

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Let the Wise Hear and Increase in Learning…

The Marcos 10:14 Kids Club learned about wisdom from God at their meeting on August 15th. The memory verse was: “Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance,” Proverbs 1:5. They especially enjoyed making the craft that included the verse. Each week the children come together for a time of prayer, song, Bible study, craft time, games and a light meal.

It is a time when Christ is glorified and the young lives of the children are enriched. A dedicated team of volunteers come together behind the scenes to make it all happen and to serve in Jesus name.

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What God Can Do with a Little Time and Willing Hearts

True Path Ministry Inc. had the privilege of working here in Mexico with a group on a short-term mission trip from the Medina, Texas United Methodist Church. The group accomplished a lot both physically and spiritually in just a few days. They were here the better part of a week and returned home on August 12th.

They covered Pastor Seldonia’s outdoor worship area with a sheet metal roof (see New Roof and Kid’s Day in Refugio). It is near the extremely remote mountain village of Refugio. The Pastor asked TPM a couple of years ago for our help to replace the brush covered pavilion. We have been praying that the Lord would have some group step forward to claim that project, and He did. And it was a small church from the Texas Hill Country. Who would have predicted that?

It was a project that should have taken a couple of days to complete. Yet, the group somehow got it done in about four hours! That included cutting down trees to use as support beams.

At the same time the roof workers were busy, part of the group held a VBS like event for the children living in that area of the mountains. Over twenty kids showed up, with some walking an hour with their Moms to get there. While the kids were learning about Jesus, worship broke out among the adults. The canyon was filled with praises to the Lord.

The group also tackled a water tank project for Iglesia Getsemani in Galeana, NL. It was in Pastor Reynaldo’s new unfinished church building. We badly needed the storage tank to allow the toilets to function when city water is turned off, which is a regular occurrence. We recently had a youth event and had to haul water in buckets up the hill to flush the toilets. Thanks to the Medina United Methodist Church, hauling water is no longer necessary.

TPM, members from the Getsemani Church and some of the Texas visitors took “blessing bags” to seven home bound elderly. One lady told the group, through heart-felt tears, that no one had been to see her in months. She was overjoyed by the love of Christ from the group.

TPM, the Texas group and Getsemani Church members made their way to Rayones one day for a special time of worship under giant pecan trees (see Worship & Ministry Under the Pecan Trees of Rayones). In addition to a powerful service they held a kid’s time, gave out bags of clothing and reading glasses.

Beyond the physical projects that were completed there was spiritual work that happened too. Having Christians from the USA come and worship here in the remote mountains of Mexico is a big deal. It renews the hope of the gospel to the people. The language is different, but we share the same Holy Spirit.

Because of the short-term mission trip from the Medina, Texas United Methodist Church many lives were touched in Texas and here in Mexico. It is all for Christ, we serve an Awesome God!

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It was beautiful scenery

Worship & Ministry Under the Pecan Trees of Rayones

Folks with True Path Ministry, along with short-term missionaries from the Medina Texas United Methodist Church and members of the Getsemani Church in Galeana, NL, Mexico went to Rayones, NL, Mexico on August 10th to share the gospel of Christ. The group joined with local Christians for a powerful time of worship.

Getsemani’s Pastor Reynaldo and wife Lulu lead the service with local Pastor Armando and wife Rosa. The adult song service was heart felt. Evangelist Ramiro gave a moving sermon about loving God by loving our neighbor. The Texas visitors had a translator who helped the “Americanos” understand the preaching. The children were treated to their own time during the sermon.

The visitors spread tarps on the ground and gave out several bags of shoes and clothing. A table was set up and reading glasses were given to whoever needed them. The local church fed us all a great meal.

It was an awesome day of fellowship serving our Lord, Jesus Christ

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