Tonyia and Stephen Williams have bee called to work as Christian Missionaries in Mexico. This is the ongoing story about our adventures.

Concrete Roof Repair Mexico Style

roofconcrete4We just completed one of the largest projects needed at Casa Cristana El Alfarero (the ministry house). We repaired the concrete roof over three big sections of the building. The house is very old and cracks had developed that allowed moisture to penetrate the ceiling and even the walls in places.

To complete the project properly we hired Patricio who is an expert concrete contractor and a pastor to a congregation in the mountains. He did the layout using carefully placed strings as guides. He also did the trowel work. His 16 year-old son, a teen-aged friend, translator Martin and I (Stephen) were the four labor helpers to get the cement mixed and delivered for the trowel work. Everything was done by hand. It is a very different approach to anything I had seen in the US.

Virtually every building in the area and most of Mexico is built with concrete. Walls are constructed with concrete blocks and finished with stucco. There are solid concrete pillars with metal rods every so many meters in the walls and a solid cap on top to help support the roof. The roof is made with a solid 10 or 12 centimeter concrete and metal rod slab. Some roofs are flat with a slight pitch and some are more obviously pitched. Windows and most doors are metal frame. There is almost no wood used.

roofconcrete7For our roof project a specific grade of gray sand was delivered along with 10 bags of cement. To mix the concrete a border is made in part of the sand with the cement shoveled into the middle and water added. Then the real labor begins. Men on shovels start mixing until a slurry of the mixed concrete is achieved. The slurry mix is then shoveled into buckets and passed from one to another until it is poured in front of Patricio who spreads it with his trowel or board and using his strings as guides.

The work took the better part of two days. I have to admit I have not done that much physical labor in a while but it was a lot of fun. We talked about the Lord, the Bible and just cut up a lot. I was the oldest laborer of the group and my fellow workers often made comments about the number of Tylenols I would need that night to sleep. There was some truth to their kidding, I was sore.

In addition  Patricio brought his two younger children one day. We had bought some play equipment and I let them use it. I even taught them how to throw a frisbee and shot a few hoops with a basketball. I told Patricio to bring the little ones again as it gave me someone to play with. They made the comment that I was old enough that I was becoming a child again.

The end result of all our labor is that all the biggest jobs are complete at the ministry house. The roofs is fixed, the windows are all in, most of the house has been roofconcrete3painted, the plumbing is almost complete (we still have to change two broken toilets) and the propane is in place.

We have already used it to begin hosting a Wednesday night dinner party for individual pastors and their families to learn more about the needs of Christians in the area. Pastors are beginning to talk about a possible revival at the site and we are considering some kind of ongoing youth and children Christian teaching activities.

Also, Tonyia is planning a special women’s event toward the end of summer.

Please pray that we will continue to know how the Lord wants us to use  Casa Cristana El Alfarero. All of this is for Jesus and His Kingdom. Praise the Lord!



New Plants in Mexico Flowerbed

flowerbedbackWe found a local nursery in Galeana and with the help of the owner picked out some flowers to plant. At our rent house the entire back area is cement so we added a flowerbed by the back fence to give it some life.

The collection of plants we bought today cost the equal to about $16 for eight plants. One of the plants is a special bush like Bougainvillea. We see them all over the area they grow tall and beautiful. All kinds of plants seem to like the climate here. It is all part of God’s creation. God is good… all the time.

Ministry House Dinner with Pastor Israel

dinnerisrael1Tonyia and I hosted our first dinner party at Casa Cristana El Alfarero (the ministry house). Joining us at the table were local Pastor Israel and his wife Lesvia along with our friend and translator Martin, his wife Anna and daughter Genesis. We have actually known Pastor Israel for several years and have a good rapport with him. He is the Pastor at the Assembly of God Church in Galeana and also the president of a local pastor association.

Tonyia cooked chicken spaghetti, beans and salad. She also cooked a tres leches cake and it was a big hit (its only the second tres leches cake she has ever made ). Our dinner conversation turned to the Pastor’s observations about where local churches need help. He believes the children are not being properly taught about our faith. Getting volunteers and getting literature are challenges they face and this is a poor area.

We have begun looking for low-cost options that we might be able to print.

We shared with him our vision of having a weekly children’s after school Christian club at the house, and also youth activities. He thought the idea had merit.


During much of March we were in the USA. But in Mexico our April was a very busy month. See our March/April newsletter for more details. Its is a PDF file. Here is a link to the full newsletter marchapril2016

  • True Path Ministry Now a Corporation
  • Martin Martinez Joins Ministry
  • “Activate Galeana” Successful
  • Special Prayer Time At Home
  • Stephen Preaches First Sermon in Mexico
  • Progress on Casa Cristana El Alfarero
  • Dinner with Francisco & Estella
  • Hosted Visiting Evangelist Guadalupe
  • April Was Very Busy!
  • Ongoing Needs for Mexico Mission


Prayers Answered: Mother and Daughter Healed

Ok, I (Tonyia) gotta tell my story, well truly it’s Jesus’ story! Over a month ago I had the opportunity to pray for a sister, in her home, to be healed from a stomach issue. I prayed with her and we proclaimed her healing in Jesus name.

Last week she brought her daughter to our house and asked for prayer. They thought she might have cancer. The daughter had a dream that darkness was coming over her and she was going to die. I prayed for her and proclaimed healing in Jesus name.

That night I was laying in bed and the Lord told me the dream the daughter saw was not her dying but the disease coming out of her body. She is healed. I told our interpreter the next day and he called to tell her.

Last night (April 29) Steve and I went to a revival and the mother and daughter were there also. As we were eating I went to say hi and they couldn’t wait to tell me thru Martin, our translator, that they were both healed. The mom said she was immediately healed. The daughter got her test results today and everything was normal.

All glory goes to God! Our healer, our protector. The lover of our souls!! He is so worthy to be praised!! Thank you Jesus!

Doors are opening even though Satan is attacking we will keep moving forward with Jesus! I can’t wait to see what the Lord has ahead! Let’s Go Jesus!!!