Monday evening we went to a special service in El Derramedero where the evangelist, Guadalupe, whom we met on Saturday preached. This town has no Christian church and we are seeking the Lord about starting one. There is a lot of darkness there.
The service was outside under a tree. The Holy Spirit moved powerfully, especially for me, Stephen and others. The service lasted 3 hours!
Afterward, the Lord lead us to pray for a sick man in his home in the same town. He was in bed when we got there and he stood up when we left. I had a vision during the prayer. It was a swirling wind with foul stuff that disappeared as we continued to pray — it was replaced by a funnel from heaven. Wow!
Pastor Hernandez, from Galeana, rode with us to the service. He provided the music for our worship time.
Pastor Jose from Diezo de Marzo has been leading service on Mondays at this location for sometime. It is his vision to have a church in this town. Martin, who has been interpreting for us goes to Pastor Jose’s chuch and believes He is being called to be a pastor in this town.
After the service, many of us went to Pastor Jose’s house and shared a meal – Glory a Dios!!