Son Shines through Rain in Canon De Vacas
The spirit inside was not dampened by the rain outside. Once again the sound of praise and worship filled the “Canyon of the Cows” (Canon De Vacas) when we visited on Saturday, October 8th. A True Path Ministry team including fifteen people made the three hour drive from Galeana to bless the people in the extremely remote, but beautiful tree-filled valley. We had been there before and we planned to return to bless them with a new outhouse, a special worship time, a meal, food, clothing, reading glasses and Bibles.
To our surprise, we found they had already rebuilt the old outhouse and cleared the lot beside the church. It was a positive sign that the old church building was once again being used. When we were here before (see Church Comes Alive at Canon De Vacas) the building looked as if it had not been used in some time. We certainly put it to good use Saturday with a powerful service, a good meal and warm fellowship.
It rained and rained while we were there. The water was pouring off the tin roof outside, but inside the little wooden church building all the benches were filled with spirited Christian worshipers. There was lively praise songs, good testimonies, insightful Bible readings and a powerful spirit-filled sermon by Evangelist Ramiro. Everyone of the sixty people came forward for prayer, including about thirty children. It was a special time of worship.
We fed all the people after the service. For the meal we had brought meat, potatoes, peppers and other vegetables, plus pots and pans, a propane burner, and excellent cooks. Sandra was there and she is the director for Nuevo Corozon, an elderly feeding ministry. But, she was not the only good cook as Ana and Pera can hold their own in the kitchen too.
Everyone had a part to play. Pastor Jose lead a lively time of praise and singing. Juan played beautifully on the accordion and his guitar player was also very good. One man in the congregation came forward and played a couple of songs on the accordion.
Martin told the moving story about how the words of the hymn “I have decided to follow Jesus” were the last ones spoken by a new Christian in India. The new believer and his family were the first people to come to know Jesus in the remote village thanks to a Welch missionary. Martin, Ana, Genesis and Stephen then sang the song in Spanish as Tonyia powerfully communicated it through sign language.
After the service we fed the entire crowd and Tonyia handed out goodie bags to the children. Sandra gave out cereal, milk and other food items. We then laid out the many clothes we had brought on top of the Suburban. The local folks were quick to find things for the entire family. We also handed out Bibles and a few pair of reading glasses.
Some of you may recall we prayed for an elderly Christian man when we were here about six weeks ago. martin, Ana, Tonyia and Stephen made a return visit to see how he was doing. He appeared to be near death as he has lost his desire to eat and was in bed all the time. But he was able to set up and pray with us. Martin quoted part of the 23rd Psalm and Tonyia was moved by the Holy Spirit to hug him. Tears flowed all around as we all recalled the certain Hope we have in Jesus.
We started back home and it was nice for us to have the 4-wheel drive Suburban as the steep dirt roads weaving up and down the canyon walls were very slick. We were all worn out when we finally got back to Galeana. But, it was a great day of serving the Lord!
Those making the trip with us included: Pastor Jose, wife Pera, 16-year-old daughter Brisa, 14-year-old son Hajiel, and 5-year-old Jaret; Evangelist Ramiro; Martin, Ana and Genesis; Tonyia and Stephen; Juan and Sandra and his guitar player (I don’t recall his name).
We always pray before we make these trips and it gives us great comfort other folks are lifting us up too. If you are one of those praying for this ministry – THANK YOU. As you would expect there is a financial cost in making these trips, but our Lord provides. If you feel moved to contribute financially to God’s work through True Path Ministry, Inc. please visit our “support” page.