After tries at three different bridges Tonyia and I finally got our Ford Edge and the loaded trailer we were pulling into Mexico on Monday (August 9th). We did have to pay a $800 Peso (about $45 US ) tax on the items on the trailer. But with all things considered that is not bad. Thank you prayer warriors the Lord heard you and we were blessed in the process.

Estella and Pastor Francisco helped us get the Suburban across the border.

Estella and Pastor Francisco helped us get the Suburban across the border.

We also got our newly acquired 1995 Suburban equipped with Mexico plates thanks to Pastor Francisco and his ministry, Centro Christiano Victoria. He met us in McAllen and drove it across the border loaded with donations and was not taxed. Once across the border Martin, who is part of True Path Ministry, took the wheel and piloted it into Galeana. Our Evangelist friend Ramiro followed him home in Martin’s pickup.

It is amazing to be part of events when the Holy Spirit is working. In addition to the many folks praying for us in Texas we also found out our Evangelist friend Robert Mesa from Yoakum, Texas happened to be near by in Mexico. He had some of his Christian friends sitting at a border crossing praying for us.

Tonyia and I have been in Texas for the past three weeks visiting family, friends and churches. We want to thank everyone who made donations and in the coming weeks watch for our stories to see how the Lord is using them for His glory. I had loaded an old 250CC motorcycle I had on the trailer along with bags of clothes and other miscellaneous items.

At the first bridge we were at the border in the Edge with the trailer attached just behind Pastor Francisco who was in the Suburban. His wife, Estella, was in their church van. They had no problems but the Mexican officials wanted to see the title and registration for the motorcycle, trailer and then they discovered the bags of clothes. “It is illegal to bring used clothes into Mexico – you have to go back to the USA,” he said.

We unloaded the motorcycle at Alberto and Esmeraldo Soto’s home in Pharr. They are relatives of our friends Juan and Sandra. They suggested we try the Pharr bridge as they have never been questioned there. So off we went to bridge number two. The Mexican officials there saw the trash bags of clothes on the trailer and they sent us back to Texas. Of course it was another hour wait before we could tell the US officials the story.

We decided to put all the trash bags of clothes inside our Edge which just left boxes with miscellaneous items. We went to bridge number three at Hildago. They started looking through things and asked if we had the registration for the trailer – we did not. Then the woman inspector found the cases of Bibles and we told her we were missionaries. Her demeanor changed and she told her supervisor that we were missionaries and there was no problem. “Pay $800 Pesos over at the window and you are free to enter Mexico,” her supervisor said. Praise the Lord, I was happy to pay so we could finally drive another five hours to Galeana.

The only potential problem on the road came during the last hour when we were going into the mountains. It was dark and a construction crew was working with virtually no lights. We came around a curve, there was no shoulder – just a cliff – and there was a tractor going about 5 MPH with only a small blinking blue light on the rear. In front of him was a small steamroller, with no lights, driving over a fresh patch of asphalt. Tonyia was driving and managed to miss them both. Thank you Lord for protection on the road. All Glory to God!!

The motorcycle did not make it to Mexico.

The motorcycle did not make it to Mexico.

Chris Isbell donated hours of labor fixing the 1995 Suburban we bought for the ministry.

Chris Isbell, our son in law, donated many hours of labor fixing the 1995 Suburban so we could bring it into Mx for the ministry.

Birdie Hornesburger, Tonyia's Mother, and several other people donated clothing.

Birdie Hornsberger, Tonyia’s Mother, and several other people donated clothing.

Belinda Bookman and Tonyia pose with a hand made tortilla holder Belinda bought. She and husband Larry donated several items.

Belinda Bookman and Tonyia pose with a hand made tortilla holder Belinda bought. She and husband Larry donated several items.

Kim and John Sursa gave some nice apparel to the folks in Mexico.

Kim and John Sursa loaded the back of our car with several bags of clothes to give to folks in Mexico.