Spiritual Growth at Marcos 10:14 Club
The children at the Marcos 10:14 Club on November 9th learned how to grow from new believers toward spiritual maturity. It was a valuable lesson for the forty-nine kids at the club meeting. It is an honor for True Path Ministry to host these weekly meetings.
The lesson plan we are using has shown the children why we need Christ in our lives. This week we continued the series by showing them what we need to grow in our faith. Essentials the lesson mentioned were: prayer; worship; personal Bible study; church attendance; and Bible study with others.
Teacher Patty used several baby formula containers with different labels to illustrate the lesson, we must grow beyond “milk”. Jesus said we must be “born again.” The lesson included the story of Nicodemus from John 3:1-12. The craft butterfly further enforced the point of how we are new creatures in Christ.
It gives us great joy to watch the kids grow in their faith. However, gauging how many children come is always interesting because the number of kids can fluctuate from thirty to fifty, and adults from ten to twenty. Last night we were near the max number of children, plus, we were thankful to have seventeen adult helpers.
We love to see all the kids, but planning each week is a logistical challenge. We must have enough art supplies and food for all. We usually plan for the maximum because we would rather have too much than not enough. The Lord always makes a way!
In addition to those who are physically at the meeting we want to thank you, our supporters. We believe that covering our mission with prayer and focusing on Christ is the reason for this successful ministry. And, of course, financial support allows us to be persistent in our obligations.
If you feel moved to give financially please see our “support” page.
Living for Jesus! Bless you all!!