Mexico Border

John, Kim, Tonyia and Steve joined up with Jesse Rowe in McAllen and successfully crossed the border with over 100 Christmas gifts for the children in rural Mexico. We prayed for a “green light” at the border and we got a green light – praise Jesus. In other words we had no problems with officials at the border. Some folks crossing a few weeks earlier were taxed heavily for gifts they were bringing across. We were blessed.


We got John and Kim a tourist visa and met up with Chuy Susano, visited a bit with pastor Sergio and his wife in Reynosia and head toward Galeana. We stopped in the valley of the oranges to get some fresh squeezed juice and some orange blossom honey. It OJ was wonderful.

In Linares we turned west and climbed up into the Sierra Mardre mountains. In Reynosia the altitude is about 108 feet but in Galeana it is over 5,000. In the last 40 miles there is over 150 curves and deep ravines as we snaked our way up the mountain.

Tomorrow we plan to go into the desert to deliver about 30 gifts to the Christian children in an extremely remote village that seldom has visitors. The Lord has already blessed us with safe travel and good fellowship.