It Was A New Day at the Marcos 10:14 Kid’s Club
Over 75 kids and 30 adults showed up at the festive Marcos 10:14 Kid’s Club meeting on Thursday, March 23rd. Although we have held weekly club meetings for almost a year, it was our first time to meet on a Thursday, plus we had a new team with more helpers and fresh ideas. The changes came after much prayer – thank you prayer warriors. To God be the glory, the changes were a big success.
The Getsemani Church in Galeana is one of our best local supporters, but they hold services on Wednesdays and that is when we held club in the past. Changing the weekly kid’s club meetings to Thursday meant more volunteers could participate. Plus, it was a way for us to introduce Patty and Ana as new teachers along with other helpers. They are both very creative and want to help children understand and live out their faith in Christ.