Hungry Hearts at Las Canoas

Our ministry Suburban was loaded down.

Our ministry Suburban was loaded down. (Click on a photo to see it larger)

The True Path Ministry team for this adventure on Saturday, September 10th was able to bring the gospel, reading glasses, clothes, food to prepare meals, a sandwich for everyone, a toy and candy for the kids. We ministered to both their spiritual and physical needs in Jesus’ name.

After two hours of driving, one hour on a paved road with potholes and one hour on a 4-wheel drive type mountain trail, we arrived at Las Canoas. To say it is remote is an understatement. There are beautiful mountains all around the place and beautiful people who live there. We were warmly received as was Christ whom we represented.

We had a special cargo rack built for our ministry vehicle, a 1995 Suburban, and it was loaded down. The stuff we brought was on top and inside were Christian friends Juan and Sandra, Evangelist Ramiro, Martin, Tonyia and Stephen. Everyone brought what the Lord had called them to bring.

Juan, Martin and a local man set up a generator to power our sound system and Martin cranked up the volume. He began to broadcast the fact we were about to have a Christian worship service. As his voice echoed down the canyon, the people started to make their way to the little wooden church building on the side of the hill.

Martin broadcast when the service was to begin.

Martin broadcast when the service was to begin.

Martin opened with prayer and Juan began to play his acoustic guitar. Soon the pews were full of worshipers clapping and singing. Some read Bible verses, others sang a song and some gave a testimony. Stephen and Tonyia told how the Lord had called them to leave Texas behind and come to Mexico. Evangelist Ramiro brought a powerful Bible-based message. The people were hungry for the Word and many came forward for special prayer.

“God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” (John 4:24) It was a beautiful time as we saw this verse lived out.

After the service we began to make and hand out sandwiches, a sweet drink and chips. The people eagerly received the meal and sat on the green grass in front of the church building to eat it. Next we brought out some Bibles and reading glasses. All the Bibles we took were given away and we ran out of several strengths of the glasses.

We spread a tarp on the ground and emptied five large trash sacks of clothes. One was for men, one for boys, one for girls and two for women. There were smiles all around as they began to find clothes for their entire families. Your donations going to much needed families.

Juan and Sandra run Nuevo Corazon Galeana and they had received a supply of beans, rice and powdered milk. There was enough that each family present got some food supplies. Tonyia handed out bags to the kids with a toy, candy and a balloon inside.

Many of the people thanked us. One lady whom I expect was a widow stood out. She was especially grateful and eagerly expressed her gratitude. All glory is to Jesus, his love is why we do what we do.

It was as if we floated down the mountain in a Spirit -filled cloud to return home. What a wonderful day of serving the Lord!

Please pray for us as we continue to do the Lord’s work in Mexico. And if you would like to make a financial donation please visit our support page. With your support, we can continue to spread the gospel.

Romiro delivered a powerful sermon.

Evangelist Ramiro delivered a powerful sermon.

Sandra sang while Juan played his acoustic guitar.

Sandra sang while Juan played his acoustic guitar.

Some of the local folks sang too.

Some of the local folks sang too.

Worship was special.

Worship time was special.

The Christian church building was an old wooden structure.

The Christian church building was an old wooden structure.

The benches were hand made from local lumber.

The benches were hand made from local lumber.

We were warmly received.

We were warmly received.

We used some gas out of the Suburban to operate the generator - there was no other electricity at the building.

We used some gas out of the Suburban to operate the generator – there was no other electricity at the building.

It is a very beautiful place in the mountains.

It is a beautiful place in the mountains.

Juan and Sandra have a heart for serving Jesus.

Juan and Sandra have a heart for serving Jesus.

Their homes are simple, made with lumber they cut.

Their homes are simple, made with lumber they cut.

They fed us a great meal, Mole Chicken, they had cooked in the basic kitchen.

They fed us a great meal, Mole Chicken, they had cooked in their basic kitchen.

The chairs and table were hand made too.

The chairs and table were hand made too.

The green grass in front of the building was a good place to eat.

The green grass in front of the building was a good place to eat.

We fed everyone a sandwich meal.

We fed everyone a sandwich meal.

It was a treat for people to get a sandwich, chips and a drink.

It was a treat for people to get a sandwich, chips and a drink.

A good meal on the ground.

A good meal on the ground.

The kids always like to hear Tonyia and Steve speak English.

The kids always like to hear Tonyia and Steve speak English.

Many found the new glasses helped them read the Bible.

Many found the new glasses helped them read the Bible.


This lady was especially grateful.

This lady was especially grateful.

They enjoyed getting clothes for their families.

They enjoyed getting clothes for their families.


The kids got a toy, balloon and candy.

The kids got a toy, balloon and candy.

Sandra and Juan gave out food supplies.

Sandra and Juan gave out food supplies.


Sandra gave out some pocket NT Bibles.

Sandra gave out pocket NT Bibles.

This is a child's toy chain saw.

This is a child’s toy chain saw. The blade is actually from an old saw.