Galeana: ¿Tiene paz en su vida? Revival, Oct. 22-23
True Path Ministry, Inc. is hosting a “¿Tiene paz en su vida?” (Do you have peace in your life) revival on October 22-23, 2016 at 7 PM on the lot beside “Casa Cristiana El Alfarero” (the ministry house). It is located in the Santa Rita area of Galeana, NL, Mexico. Evangelist Robert Mesa from Yoakum, Texas will deliver a powerful, spirit-filled, gospel message each evening. “I have turned down invitations to preach more in the USA because the Lord has clearly told me that Mexico is where He wants me to spread the gospel,” said Mesa.

Special prayer time at a church alter in Mexican sate of Puebla. (click on a photo to see it bigger)
He is a well known Evangelist who has preached extensively in Mexico and also to Spanish-speaking audiences in the USA. He, accompanied by wife Marina, most recently preached in churches big and small in the Mexican state of Puebla. Each time Jesus was glorified, a clear gospel message was delivered and the Holy Spirit was at work.
For the Galeana revival, music will be provided by Banda El Privilegio Divino, from the mountain village of Purismo, and Juan Oviedo, from Galeana. Plus the Marcos 10:14 kids will sing and SIGN I have decided to follow Jesus . It will be a great time of worship to King Jesus!
Most local Christian pastors will also be involved. Casa Cristiana El Alfarero is not a church. When people make a first-time confession of faith in Jesus they will need to be discipled by a local church. “We plan to have a poster that shows where churches in the area are located and the pastors present will be recognized,” said Stephen Williams with True Path Ministry, Inc. “The goal of this revival is to bring people to faith in Jesus.”
True Path Ministry, Inc. works with local Christian ministries and pastors in Mexico. It is associated with Independent Assemblies in the USA and Centro Cristiano Victria, IPCCVM SEGOB A.R. 3098-2008, in Mexico.
Please pray for us as we prepare for this major event. If you would like to make a tax-deductable donation visit our “support” page on this website.