Life’s Two Gates

For this sketch “Life’s Two Gates” I pulled from the Old Testament book Joshua 24:14-15 and New Testament book Matthew 7:12-14. I was reminded of the many righteous things we find behind the narrow gate and the
darkness that lies behind the wide gate.

I also realize that through Christ’s grace, forgiveness and love we can enter the narrow gate even if we started down the wrong way. That happened to me, for years I was following the way of the world. I’m by no means perfect now but my hope is in Jesus.

One of the ways I (Stephen) study the Holy Bible is through simple drawings I make as I read or as the Holy Spirit brings images to my mind. For all my drawings I rely on my English Standard Version (ESV) Bible. It is not a study Bible so it does not have commentary. But, it does have 10,000 cross references. I view it as scripture defining scripture. I show my references in the drawing, look them up and see if they are related in your spirit.

Note: Click on the image to see it larger.

The Way of God Church

For this sketch “The Way of God Church” I pulled from Ephesians 2:19-22. It does not refer to any specific Church. It points out that a truly Christian Church is “built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone.”

These three verses are packed with several truths. They show how we Jesus followers are “no longer strangers and aliens but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God.”

It also shows the connection between the New and Old Testaments in the statement that our faith is “built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets.”

Plus, it illustrates the essential role of “Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord.” Christ is the firm anchor for our faith from its beginning and into eternity!

One of the ways I (Stephen) study the Holy Bible is through simple drawings I make as I read or as the Holy Spirit brings images to my mind. For all my drawings I use my English Standard Version (ESV) Bible. It does not have commentary with it as many study Bible do, but, it does have 10,000 cross references. I like to use it as scripture defining scripture. I show my references in the drawing, look them up and see if in your spirit they are related to my drawing.

Note: Click on the image to see it larger.

Donated Van for Ministry

A couple, Travis and Heidi Klaassen, walked up to Stephen and Tonyia after a church service and asked if we wanted a 15 passenger van for our Mexico ministry. They did not know we needed one, but they felt the Holy Spirit’s prompting. Our response, “YES! It is just what we have been praying for….” We need a better people carrying vehicle. The Suburban we use was not really designed for the way we use it. We have to transport Kid’s to club each week (often twenty at a time). Plus, we drive people to church, take groups on Saturdays to worship in remote villages and take youth to special events in other towns.

Tonyia and I (Stephen) are always blown away by how the Lord provides for his ministry needs. On Sunday we were in worship services at the Medina, Texas Methodist Church. My brother Arlen and sister in-law Linda are members there and introduced us during the service. The Church is also one of our supporters.

Travis and Heidi were at the service too. They had the 1997 Ford 350 van for some time. It was originally bought for another ministry, but was no longer needed. They were trying to decide what to do with it and on Sunday that question was answered.

We, at True Path Ministry, are humbled and grateful to be a part of what God is doing! A big THANK YOU to the Klaassen’s for following the Holy Spirit’s prompting and donating the van – God bless y’all in a mighty way.

Note: Click on the photo to see it larger.


For this sketch “Guarantee” I pulled from 2 Corinthians 1:21-22 . These verses show the trinity and assures me to whom I belong. One of the ways I (Stephen) study the Holy Bible is through simple drawings I make as I read or as the Holy Spirit brings images to my mind. All my drawings are based on my English Standard Version (ESV) Bible without commentary, but, it does have 10,000 cross references. I view it as scripture defining scripture. I show my references in the drawing, look them up and see if they are related to my drawing.

Note: Click on the image to see it larger.

Light to My Path

For this sketch “Light to My Path” I pulled from Psalm 119:105. One of the ways I (Stephen) study the Holy Bible is through simple drawings I make as I read or as the Holy Spirit brings images to my mind. All my drawings are based on my English Standard Version (ESV) Bible without commentary, but, it does have 10,000 cross references. I view it as scripture defining scripture. I show my references in the drawing, look them up and see if they are related.

Note: (click on the image to see it larger).