Ennis DRF Church Challenged to “Answer That Call”

Thank you to Pastor Glenn for allowing me the opportunity to speak at DRF. Today, June 18th Stephen challenged the hundred people in the Damascus Road Fellowship (DRF) congregation in Ennis, Texas to “Answer That Call.” His sermon asserted that Christians are called by God to answer three calls: 1) make Jesus central to our lives; 2) realize our faith is an active pursuit; and 3) understand we are called to be Jesus’ witness to the world. Steve used examples from the Bible, plus photographs and stories from True Path Ministry‘s year of work in Mexico to make his point. Based on feedback, the group was engaged in the sermon and took to heart each of the three points.

Because of the financial and prayer support of DRF and others, TPM is able to continue its ministry in Mexico. Thank you and Dios le Bendiga!

Pastor Glenn introduced Stephen.

Pastor Glenn introduced Stephen.

There were about 100 people in the service.

There were about 100 people in the service.

There were some light moments during the sermon.

There were some light moments during the sermon.


Fifty Kids Learned About Elisha and Serving the Lord

Fifty Galeana, NL, Mexico kids showed up at the Marcos 10:14 Kid’s Club on June 8th. Teachers Ana and Patty

(click on a photo to see it larger)

(click on a photo to see it larger)

along with other helpers were ready, as they are every week, with a lesson, games, crafts and food. The kids learned about the call of Elisha (1 Kings 19:19-21) and how he served his oxen to the people before leaving with Elijah. They also heard what Jesus said about service in John (12:26): “If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.”

The craft project was to make an oxen puppet out of a paper sack. The active night ended with a snack of melons in a cup. It is a popular treat in Mexico. They often put hot sauce and lime on top to add to the flavor. It was a big night and a fun time for all involved.

The weekly club meeting is held at the Casa Cristiano El Alfarero and  many of the kids come in the ministry owned 1995 Suburban that drives them to and from far flung locations around Galeana to the meetings. True Path Ministry Inc., working with local Christian volunteers, sponsors the kid’s club.

Please pray for this ministry and if you feel compelled to make a financial donation visit our “support” page.

The oxen puppet was the craft project.

The oxen puppet was the craft project.


The kids have a lot of fun with the craft projects.

The kids have a lot of fun with the craft projects.


The snack was melon in a cup, a popular treat in Mexico.

The snack was melon in a cup, a popular treat in Mexico.


Hugs are often a part of club meetings.

Hugs are often a part of club meetings.


Drawing Jesus Closer: Freedom in Spirit

“This drawing came as I was pondering being born again, and the freedom the Holy Spirit brings the believer to live out their Christian faith,” said Stephen. “I was reading in John 3 where it says:” 

Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” (John 3:5-8 ESV)

(on website click on an image to see it larger)


Drawing Jesus Closer: Holy Spirit

“This drawing came to mind one morning as I reflected on the impact of the Holy Spirit in my life as a Christian,” said Stephen. “He has guided me and shown Himself in many ways, but it is my prayer that I will always be open to experiencing the fullness of the Holy Spirit in my life.” In John 14:25-31 and Acts 1:8 are two places where Jesus discusses the Holy Spirit.

(on website, click on an image to see it larger)
