Ennis DRF Church Challenged to “Answer That Call”
Thank you to Pastor Glenn for allowing me the opportunity to speak at DRF. Today, June 18th Stephen challenged the hundred people in the Damascus Road Fellowship (DRF) congregation in Ennis, Texas to “Answer That Call.” His sermon asserted that Christians are called by God to answer three calls: 1) make Jesus central to our lives; 2) realize our faith is an active pursuit; and 3) understand we are called to be Jesus’ witness to the world. Steve used examples from the Bible, plus photographs and stories from True Path Ministry‘s year of work in Mexico to make his point. Based on feedback, the group was engaged in the sermon and took to heart each of the three points.
Because of the financial and prayer support of DRF and others, TPM is able to continue its ministry in Mexico. Thank you and Dios le Bendiga!